Based on the panel data of 9 main soybean producing provinces in China from 1983 to 2011, this paper empirically analyzes the elasticity of supply response in China using the extended Nerlove supply response model based on expected relative returns. The results showed that: (1) the supply elasticity of soybean area and yield had a stronger response to the relative return change of soybean than to the absolute return; (2) The main alternative crops of soybean were corn, rice and peanut, soybean and corn, rice And soybean peanut decreased by 0.123%, 0.128% and 0.084% respectively for each 1% reduction in the relative profit of peanut, soybean yield decreased 0.136%, 0.155% and 0.167% respectively in the next period, while the long-term soybean acreage decreased by 0.462% 0.389% and 0.292%, respectively, and the long-term soybean yield decreased by 0.302%, 0.366% and 0.415% respectively; (3) The more areas where soybean income was the main source of agricultural income, the more responsive the changes in relative soybean yields were, The bigger In the future, in order to ensure the income of soybean farmers and the long-term orderly production of soybeans in the main producing areas, we must consider not only the absolute changes of soybean prices, but also the relative returns of soybeans and major alternative crops in the main producing areas.