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《中华人民共和国社会保险法》历经四次审议,于2010年10月28日在第十一届全国人大常委会第十七次会议上获得高票通过,将于2011年7月1日起正式施行。这是建国以来我国第一部社会保险制度的综合性法律,有基本大法之称,是一部涉及养老、医疗、失业、工伤、生育五大险种,关乎每个公民福祉保障的法律,是社会保险制度建设的阶段总结,也是社会保险工作的新起点。该法进一步健全完善了我国社会领域的立法,是我国人力资源社会保障法制建设中的一件大事,是全国人民的热切期盼。作为中国特色社会主义法律体系中起支架作用的重要法律,《社会保险法》首次以立法形式确立了社会保险制度的基本框架,重点对社会保险的原则、各险种的覆盖范围、社会保险待遇项目和享受条件、社会保险经办机构、社会保险基金监督、各项社会保险的缴纳领取等作出了明确规定,确立了覆盖城乡全体居民的社会保险制度,从而体现了统筹城乡的原则,突出了参保人员的合法权利;在制度设计和实施方面,始终强调保障参保人的权利,并以提供政府服务为重点,整部法律的字里行间都蕴含着保障人民群众共享改革发展成果的庄严的政治承诺。它的出台无疑将是中国社会保障事业的一座里程碑。我们期待着在这部社会保险基本法的统领下,在不同的社保制度之间实现有机的融合和贯通,更好地解决统筹城乡发展的问题,使其真正成为社会发展的“稳压器”、经济运行的“减震器”。 The Social Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China, after four deliberations, passed a high-ticket vote on October 28, 2010 at the 17th meeting of the Eleventh National People’s Congress and will come into effect on July 1, 2011 . This is the first comprehensive social insurance law since the founding of our country. It is a basic law, and it is a law that covers the five major categories of endowment insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, industrial injury insurance and childbirth insurance, and is also concerned with the welfare of every citizen. It is a social insurance The stage of system construction is also a new starting point for social insurance. This law further perfects and perfects the legislation of our country in the social field and is a major event in the legal system for the social security of human resources in our country and an earnest look forward to the people throughout the country. As an important law that plays a role as a stepping stone in the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Social Insurance Law establishes the basic framework of the social insurance system for the first time by way of legislation. It focuses on the principles of social insurance, the coverage of various types of insurance, social insurance benefits and Enjoy the conditions, the social insurance agencies, the supervision of social insurance funds, the payment of various social insurance to make clear provisions, established a coverage of urban and rural residents throughout the social insurance system, which reflects the principle of urban and rural areas as a whole, highlighting the insured The legal rights of personnel; the system design and implementation, has always stressed the protection of the rights of insured persons, and to provide government services as the focus, the entire law contains all the lines between the protection of the people to share the solemn political commitment to reform and development achievements. Its introduction will undoubtedly be a milestone in China’s social security undertaking. We expect that under the guidance of this basic law of social insurance, we will achieve organic integration and penetration among different social security systems so as to better solve the problem of coordinating the development of urban and rural areas so that they will truly become the “regulator of social development” “Economic operation of the” shock absorber. "
作者简介:王守先(1980~):男,硕士,从事高校学生思想政治工作以及学生心理咨询。    摘 要:高校三困生是大学生中的弱势群体,根据形成三困生的内外部原因,作者认为心理困难是大学生三困的重要成因。要做好三困生思想政治教育,高校要充分发挥“社会—高校—家庭”的育人功能,促进三困生全面发展。本文结合作者的工作经验,探析了三困生的特征和诱因,提出解决三困生困难的建议,对解决三困生的问题进行了初步实践