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一、H导弹首批生产中出现的问题 H导弹于1983年,通过国家鉴定定型生产。首批导弹分别于1985年4月及10月,在北京及沈阳总装生产。总装测试中,海军代表及总装厂对末制导雷达的质量,提出了一些问题,引起了海军领导机关及航天部机关的注意。海军驻该两地军代表室,分别发文通告了末制导雷达在总装测试中出现的问题,并提出了不解决雷达开机不能捕获目标及有时出现旁瓣捕获 First, the first production of H missiles in the issue of H missiles in 1983, through the national identification stereotypes production. The first batch of missiles were produced in assembly in Beijing and Shenyang in April and October 1985 respectively. During the final assembly tests, the Navy representative and assembly plant raised some questions about the quality of terminal guidance radars, which attracted the attention of naval leading agencies and departments of space agencies. The Navy’s military representatives’ offices in the two places issued circular announcements respectively on the problems that occurred in final assembly testing of end-guidance radars and proposed that they should not capture targets and sometimes side-lobe capture when the radar is switched on
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7.银×山杨:苗茎、叶柄及叶背、芽着生白绒毛,较银白×新疆杨为少。叶正面绿色,卵圆形或圆形,叶柄近圆形。芽短小紧贴茎。 8.山×新杨:苗茎、叶柄及叶背、芽着生极少白线毛。
怀孕的你,动不动就觉得累得要命,疲倦感如影随形,怎么也摆脱不掉。有什么办法让准妈妈也能变得神采奕奕?    怀孕了,为什么总是那么累    小雪怀孕后就变得嗜睡,明明睡醒了,可照样无精打采,四肢乏力,哈欠连天。为什么怀孕后会变得这么疲倦不堪呢?医生给出了答案——孕初期  刚刚怀孕的准妈妈会出现恶心、胀气等不适的情况,有些准妈妈胃口不好,什么都不想吃;睡眠质量也因为夜里尿频而不能保证,因此,在怀孕初
吉康菜原名野苦苣或野生苦苣,属萄科一年或二年生草本植物。原产欧洲地中海一带、法国、荷兰、意大利、比利时和苏联,栽培面积约为千万公顷,是这些国家喜食的蔬菜。 Ji Kan
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In many signal processing applications there is often a set of linear equations to be solved.According tothe signal properties,a property mapping procedure on t