发达经济体需要财政政策和结构性改革的配合,从而维持总需求,提高增长潜力;而新兴经济体则需要将其经济转向新的增长源泉新兴和发展中经济体在全球经济中的作用新兴和发展中经济体的人口占世界总人口的85%,它们正在缓慢而稳定地成为全球经济活动的主要动力。当前,新兴和发展中经济体占世界G D P的比重从十年前的不到一半跃升至约60%。在发达国家受国际金融危机拖累后,正是新兴和发展中经济体推动了全球经济的增长。可见,这占世界人口85%的地区对于全球经济是多么的重要!
Developed economies need the coordination of fiscal policies and structural reforms to sustain aggregate demand and boost growth potential while emerging economies need to shift their economies to new sources of growth Emerging and developing economies are emerging in the global economy Developing countries, which make up 85 per cent of the world’s population, are slowly and steadily becoming the main engines of global economic activity. Currently, the share of emerging and developing economies in the world GDP has jumped to about 60% from less than half of a decade ago. After the developed countries were dragged down by the international financial crisis, it is the emerging and developing economies that have contributed to the growth of the global economy. Can be seen that this accounted for 85% of the world’s population in the global economy is so important!