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英国艾玛河畔的斯特拉斯福镇,是莎士比亚的故乡。莎士比亚的父亲是个贩卖牲口的商人,小时候莎士比亚常常替父亲剪羊毛。镇上有一贵族宅邸,主人是托马斯·路希爵士。有一天,刚二十出头的莎士比亚出于对贵族的憎恨,伙同镇上的几名好事之徒,扛着火枪带着绳索,溜进爵士的花园,开枪打死了一头鹿,枪声引来了家丁,莎士比亚让其他人逃跑,自己留下,想与爵士口战泄愤,当夜,莎士比亚被囚禁在管家 The town of Stratford-upon-Avon, England is the home of Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s father was a trader selling cattle, as a child, Shakespeare often cut his father’s wool. The town has a noble house, the owner is Sir Thomas Road. One day, just in his early twenties, Shakespeare out of hatred of the nobility, with some of the town’s good things, carrying a musket with a rope, slipped into the jazz garden, shot dead a deer, gunshot cited Came to the Butler, Shakespeare let others escape, left behind, want to vent their anger with the Jazz mouth, that night, Shakespeare imprisoned in the steward
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灵感是责任与善良的外衣    车祸猛于虎。每年中国交通事故造成的好几万人伤亡中,很多是因为司机在急刹车时误踩了油门。对此你也知道,可是你想到了这是为什么以及该怎么办吗?有一个学生,由此入手,找到了解决的办法,并且从1秒钟里挖掘出了60亿的商机,这是怎么回事呢?  她叫邬口关博,她的眼里没有刘德华、谢霆锋这些偶像的位置,她的偶像是她最崇拜的科学家爱迪生。在她看来,科学就像电灯一样,把人们的生活明亮起
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