
来源 :中国财经审计法规公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ihsc2Xid84
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各保险公司:为了适应保险资金持续快速增长,资金运用规模日益扩大的实际情况,保持保险业持续快速健康发展,经研究并报请国务院批准,适当放宽保险公司投资企业债券的范围,允许保险公司自主选择经国家主管部门批准发行,且经监管部门认可的信用评级机构评级在 AA 级以上的企业债券,同时提高 The insurance companies: In order to meet the sustained and rapid growth of insurance funds, the actual use of funds to expand the actual situation, to maintain the rapid and healthy development of the insurance industry, after research and report to the State Council for approval, appropriate to relax the scope of insurance companies to invest in corporate bonds to allow insurance companies autonomy Select the corporate bonds approved by the national authorities and issued by the regulatory authorities recognized rating agencies at the AA level above corporate bonds, while improving
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Background:Since the emergence of coronavirus disease 2019 to date, there is no available approved drug or definitive treatment for coronavirus disease 2019 vir
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Wealthier lifestyles have brought with them an unhealthy diet and less exercise for many Chinese families Ding Wei,an elemen- tary school student in Beijing,is