
来源 :硅酸盐通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jtyz888
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以城市污泥为粘结剂的基础组分,采用化学方法活化,考察了活化剂种类和活化条件对型焦性能的影响,并对型焦的固结机理和结构进行分析。结果表明:磷酸对污泥的活化效果最好,当磷酸浓度为30%、浸渍比为5.3 g/m L、浸渍时间为24 h时,生块和熟块的抗压强度均大于5000 N、落下强度分别为7次和8次,耐水性能(浸水24 h干燥后的抗压强度)分别为2575 N和3015 N。生块的热解分为三个阶段,其中磷酸盐分子间发生脱水缩聚最终生成-P-O-M-O-P-高分子结构是粘结兰炭末成型的主要原因。型焦熟块与兰炭末红外吸收峰的位置基本相同,但强度有明显减弱,未出现与磷有关的振动吸收峰,说明磷在型焦中残留量很少。 The city sludge as the binder of the basic components, the use of chemical activation method, investigated the type of activator and activation conditions on the performance of the coke, and coke consolidation mechanism and structure analysis. The results show that phosphoric acid has the best activation effect on sludge. When the concentration of phosphoric acid is 30%, the impregnation ratio is 5.3 g / m L and the immersion time is 24 h, The drop strength was 7 times and 8 times respectively. The water resistance (compressive strength after 24 h immersion) was 2575 N and 3015 N, respectively. The pyrolysis of green block is divided into three stages, of which the formation of -P-O-M-O-P- polymer structure by dehydration-polycondensation among the phosphate molecules is the main reason for the formation of bonded blue carbon powder. The location of the infrared absorption peak of the coke cooked block and blue charcoal is basically the same, but the intensity is obviously weakened, and the vibration absorption peak related to phosphorus does not appear, which indicates that the phosphorus residues in the coke are very few.
【正】 我国民族资本主义工业产生于19世纪60年代末,到1949年新中国成立止,有80余年之久的历史。在这近一个世纪的艰难历程中,它为我们积累了一定的工业企业经营管理方面的经