Unit 1111

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  1. There is no denying that the popularity of potato-based foods has in fast food restaurants in the last two decades.
  A.elected B.created
  C.developed D.boomed
  2. Don’t push her.The reason why she hasn’t made a choice is that she did not yet make a(n) , between the pleasures of reading and those of writing fiction.
  A.immigrant B.distinction
  C.diversity D.multiculture
  3. As we all know, it’s always troublesome to go through —filling in forms, showing your passport to the emigration officer and showing your boarding card.
  A.applicants B.costumes
  C.offices D.customs
  4. The detective noticed that the body language of the suspect didn’t what he was saying.
  A.agree with B.connect to
  C.contact with D.approve of
  5. It was a 79 km round trip which all the famous attractions in that country.
  A.slipped into
  B.teamed up with
  C.took in
  D.applied for
  6. The survey results seem to a connection between poor housing conditions and bad health.
  A.classify B.donate
  C.indicate D.declare
  7. The advice is to good relationships with your teachers and classmates, you should learn to be on good terms with them.
  A.bring up B.add up
  C.keep up D.take up
  8. An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered a long lost antique Greek vase.
  A.at random B.by chance
  C. in turn D. on occasion
  9. Among the 1,000 for the job, two stood out for their extraordinary skill shown during the interviews.
  A.accountants B.applicants
  C.assistants D.immigrants
  10.Deep bow is seldom used in some English-speaking countries except on the very special occasions when people or lower their heads to say prayers for the dead.
  A.regret B.mourn
  C.respect D.raise
  11.There is no discrimination to be felt in this city.Everyone seems to be treated equally.
  A.racial B.facial
  C.social D.official
  12.After 3 months’ association with her boyfriend,Jane came to know that beneath the ,calm surface is a man of fierce temper,so she decided to break up with him.
  A.abruptly B.apparently
  C.steadily D.absolutely
  13.Walking alone in the dark,the boy whistled to his courage.
  A.hold up B.keep up
  C.set up D.take up
  14.The government should keep the society safe and stable establishing a sound social security system.   A.by chance of
  B.by means of
  C.in terms of
  D.in favor of
  15.From a very young age he was taught the significance of being polite. “Bad manners will get you ,”father always told him.
  A.anyhow B.somewhat
  C.otherwise D.nowhere
  16.What amused us most about yesterday’s play was the performance by the hero who was so nervous as to make numerous of the tongues.
  A.dilemmas B.slips
  C.drawbacks D.punctuation
  1. Nowhere else than in the arts in the past five years.(be)
  2. Could I speak to the international sales please? (charge)
  3. in the exam made his parents surprised.(catch)
  4. This kind of book is very popular among readers, students at school.(majority)
  5. Honesty is a kind of quality and that’s
  , to communicate with others successfully.(take)
  6. Knowing reduces the risks of failure and it works like an insurance policy for your own ability. (do)
  7. Lily was good at physics despite
  8. the company was losing money because quite a few workers were laid off.(apparent)
  9. It also has the distinction of being the most multicultural state in the USA, , from all over the world.(attract)
  10. By the time he was twelve, Edsion
  ,by himself.(make)
  11. his best friend would object to carrying out this plan. (occur)
  12.Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious men, , the Catholic religion to the natives.(ministry)
  13.Exactly when the first people arrived in
  , no one really knows.(call)
  14.The headmaster has made it a rule that nowhere .(permit)
  15.Water, which seems so simple and common, is .(make)
一、多项选择  1.In the past few days, the television station is unlucky to have received many complaints about the advertisement, which some viewers strongly , to be tasteless.  A.charge B.accuse  C.comment
1. 恶性食品安全事件频发,表明诚信的缺失、道德的滑坡已经到了忍无可忍的地步。在社会主义市场经济的发展过程中,要大力提倡良好的信用意识。这是因为( )  ①诚实信用是现代市场经济正常运行必不可少的条件  ②不遵守法制会导致市场经济秩序混乱  ③诚实信用是社会主义市场经济的基本特征  ④诚实信用能带来效益,促进市场交易活动健康发展  A. ①② B. ③④ C. ②③ D. ①④  2. 近年来,面
地理环境中各事象之间是相互联系的,若某事象发生变化就会给其他事象带来影响,甚至发生一系列的变化。读图回答1~2题。  1. 图中所示的中心项“甲”最有可能是( )  A. 人口数量增多 B. 气候变化  C. 森林破坏 D. 围湖造田  2. 上图反映了自然地理环境的( )  A. 综合性特征 B. 区域性特征  C. 整体性特征 D. 差异性特征  2009年5月份以来,干流全长为1321千米的
1. 美国科学家在银河星系中央的星云中发现了新的星际分子,该分子的化学式为C3H4O。星际分子的不断发现可帮助人们了解生命的起源。这说明( )  A. 人类社会是物质世界长期发展的产物  B. 人类社会在本质上是是一个客观的物质体系  C. 意识是物质的产物  D. 世界的本质是物质  为了更好的了解外太空情况,美国航天局1977年发射了旅行者一号探测器,该探测器目前在太空已经飞行了36年,获得了
1. 2013年以来,中国多地出现阴霾天气。专家认为,在大气环流相对稳定时期,大气层结构稳定,近地层空气流动(风速)很小,大气会形成上暖下冷的“逆温层”,加上近地层空气湿度大,以及各种污染物的堆积,从而形成了阴霾天气。单独的汽车尾气排放并不会直接导致阴霾天气。这说明( )  A. 联系具有多样性 B. 联系具有普遍性  C. 联系具有客观性 D. 联系具有必然性  2. 科学家通过监测发现,由于人
1. 曲院风荷作为“西湖十景”之一。“六月荷花香满湖,红衣绿扇映清波。木兰舟上如花女,采得莲房爱子多”。清朝陈璨《曲院风荷》描绘了杭州西湖人们赏荷的美景。这说明( )  A. 文化是社会实践的源泉  B. 自然现象属于文化活动及产品  C. 文化是人的灵感和想象  D. 文化是人的精神活动及其产品  2. 中国艺术节是具有全国性、群众性的重要国家文化艺术节日。2013年10月11日至26日,第十届
下图为位于42°N附近的我国某山地北坡自然带谱分布图。读图回答1~2题。  1. 该山地为( )  A. 天山 B. 小兴安岭 C. 长白山 D. 阴山  2. 关于a、b两地理事物的说法,正确的是( )  A. a湖的形成原因与贝加尔湖相同  B. b河流经沙漠地区,流量小  C. b河的补给水源主要来自a湖  D. b河有春汛与夏汛  下表为我国五个自治区行政中心城市气候资料表。读表格数据,回
1. 关于下图中a、b、c、d四地自转角速度和线速度的叙述,正确的是( )  A. 四地的自转线速度由小到大依次是a、d、b、c  B. 四地的角速度都不同  C. 四地的角速度都相同  D. 四地的自转线速度由大到小依次是b、c、a、d  2011年3月26日,全球数千个城市分别在当地时间20∶30至21∶30熄灯一小时,以此响应世界自然基金会发起的“地球一小时”活动。结合下图,回答2~4题。 
一、多项选择  1.After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was provide for the homeless families.  A.furniture B.occupation  C.equipment D.accommodation  2.Opportunities for water are ev
读图,回答1~2题。  1. M地的气温最可能是( )  A. 3.4℃ B. 4.6℃  C. 5.3℃ D. 6.2℃  2. 图中表示上海市区与N地之间的环流形式正确的是( )  下图为北半球某地理事物示意图,a、b、c所表示的数值由南向北逐渐减小。据此回答3~4题。  3. 若图示为一组等压线,则( )  A. ①处吹东北风  B. ②处风速比①处大  C. 甲地位于低压槽线附近  D.