Continental chemical weathering during the Early Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE1b):a case stud

来源 :古地理学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuifeng188
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This study focuses on Early Cretaceous mudstones from the Shahai and Fuxin formations in the Fuxin continental basin. We analyse chemical weathering, land surface temperatures and palaeoclimates based on chemical weathering indices, and emphasize the implications of continental chemical weathering on nutrient fluxes into lakes and oceans. According to Cr and Ni abundance, Al2O3-TiO2, La/Sc-Th/Co and V-Ni-Th×10 plots, as well as rare earth element (REE) analysis, mudstone samples from the Shahai and Fuxin formations were derived from the same type of provenance comprising mainly felsic igneous rocks. Chemical weathering trends reflected by the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA), Weathering Index of Parker (WIP) and the Mafic Index of Alteration for Oxidative weathering environments (MIA(O)) are consistent with each other and allow the geological succession to be divided into four stages. Land surface temperatures of the Shahai and Fuxin formations are estimated based on the linear relationship of CIA to temperature, and also can be divided into four stages consistent with those determined from chemical weathering trends. During Stage A (early part of the late Aptian) chemical weathering and land surface temperatures were relatively low and showed characteristic high fluctuations, while Stage B (latest Aptian) represented a transitional period where weathering rates and temperatures increased, and high amplitude fluctuations continued. Conditions changed markedly in Stage C (early Albian) with very high and stable weathering, and warm, humid climates, while in Stage D (middle and late Albian) conditions reted to low chemical weathering and land surface temperatures. These stages of chemical weathering and land surface temperature fluctuations represent responses to global climate fluctuations during the Early Cretaceous, with the early Albian high weathering intensities and warm, humid climates combining to create high nutrient levels that would have flushed through rivers into lakes and ultimately oceans. This correlates stratigraphically with the development of Early Cretaceous black shales during Ocean Anoxic Event 1b, showing the importance of continental weathering regimes as a causal mechanism for lake and ocean anoxia.
背景与目的:  在现代战争中,由于各种爆炸性武器的广泛应用,使四肢战伤比例大为增加,居部位伤之首(60%~70%),阵亡伤员中四肢伤大出血致死的约占10%。止血带是控制肢体大出血
【目的】  观察在不同浓度的荷叶生物碱作用下,人主动脉内皮细胞( HAECs )中SDF-1/CXCR-4蛋白及mRNA表达情况及其血管形成功能的变化,初步探讨荷叶生物碱对SDF-1/CXCR4的影响,从
建筑工程项目建设安全生产监督管理的关键就是对工程项目的 投资、质量和进度进行有效监督和控制,有利于保障工程项目施工的顺利进行.因此,工程监理人员应在对项目风险深入了