
来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chunya88
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红线女从艺60年,在前人的基础上不断开拓、创新,创造了享誉海内外的“红派”艺术,她所塑造的一个个光彩夺目的舞台形象,在粤剧史上留下绚丽篇章。红线女的艺术代表着当代粤剧旦角艺术的最高成就,被誉为岭南文化瑰宝。尽管年龄越来越大,但红线女的每一次露面唱戏仍能激起粤剧爱好者的万般宠爱。 In the past 60 years, the female of the Red Line has been constantly exploiting and innovating on the basis of the predecessors, and has created a “glorious stage” image that enjoys a good reputation both at home and abroad. It has left a gorgeous chapter in the history of Cantonese opera . The art of the Red Line represents the highest achievement of contemporary Cantonese opera Danjiao art and is praised as Lingnan cultural treasures. Despite the growing age, each appearance of red women can arouse the love of Cantonese opera lovers.
EVD实际上已经超越了一个企业、一个行业的概念。因为EVD是新一代碟机的 标准,涉及到中国企业能不能甩掉DVD高额专利费的困扰. EVD has actually gone beyond the concept o