反复呼吸道感染(recurrent respiratory tract infaction,RRTI)是小儿最常见的疾病。与小儿呼吸道解剖生理特点、免疫功能发育不完善,营养不良、佝偻病、反复腹泻、先天性心脏病等慢性疾病,喂养不当造成维生素和微量元素缺乏等多种有关,对小儿的生长发育造成严重不良影响,并造成社会资源的极大浪费,因而探索经济有效的治疗方法至关重要。
Recurrent respiratory tract infection (RRTI) is the most common disease in children. And pediatric respiratory anatomical and physiological characteristics, imperfect development of immune function, malnutrition, rickets, recurrent diarrhea, congenital heart disease and other chronic diseases, inappropriate feeding caused by the lack of vitamins and trace elements and other related to the growth and development of children causing serious illnesses Influence and cause great waste of social resources, it is of crucial importance to explore cost-effective treatments.