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上海柴油机厂广大革命职工在毛主席革命路线的指引下,随着生产率的大幅度发展,机械化及自动化程度得到很大提高,所以机械手在该厂生产中较早得到应用,在1958年该厂油泵车间工人师傅与技术人员遵照伟大领袖毛主席关于“人民群众有无限的创造力”的教导,首先设计,制造了机械手,作为喷油咀体自动上料及输送之用,效果良好。但由于修正主义企业路线的影响,自动化的发展有所停滞。文化大革命期间,广大革命职工冲垮了修正主义企业路线的束缚,自动上下料及机械手的应用又得到很大的发展,在喷油器体加工自动线、曲拐加工自动线、油泵凸轮轴加工自动线等设备上,都先后应用了机械手作为上下料及工位间之传递,在热加工方面连杆锻造生产流水线也应用机械手作为工位间输送。下面我们将介绍上海柴油机厂XSC06喷油器体上料装置,油泵凸轮轴自动线机械手及曲拐自动加工机械手。 Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, the vast number of revolutionary workers of the Shanghai Diesel Engine Plant, with the rapid development of productivity, has greatly improved the degree of mechanization and automation. Therefore, the manipulators were used earlier in the production of the plant. In 1958, the oil pump According to the instructions of the great leader Chairman Mao on the “The masses of the people have unlimited creativity”, the workshop worker masters and technicians first designed and manufactured manipulators, which were used as automatic injectors for fuel injection and transportation, and they worked well. However, due to the influence of the revisionist corporate line, the development of automation has stagnated. During the Cultural Revolution, the vast number of revolutionary workers crushed the shackles of the revisionist corporate line, and the application of automatic loading and unloading and manipulators has been greatly improved. It has also been used in automatic lines for injector body processing, crankline processing automatic lines, and oil pump camshaft processing automatic lines. The robots have been used as the transfer between the loading and unloading stations and the stations. For the hot processing, the connecting rod forging production line also uses the robots as the transfer between stations. Here we will introduce the diesel engine factory XSC06 injector body feeding device, oil pump camshaft automatic line manipulator and crank automatic processing manipulator.
弹性穿线机秘鲁一家纺织公司寻求二手弹性穿线机,适用于女内衣之用。该公司所需的机器,应是情况良好,并有以下性能:型式 :52700规格(针间):D16-1/4或D12-3/16电动机 : 1/2马
【英国《国际核工程》1982年2月号报道】英国中央电力局发电研究和建造部前快堆设计工程师 W.B.凯米什在一次会议上曾对英国发展气冷快堆问题,发表演说。其主要内容摘译如下
本文是论述西方石油消费国对世界能源问题的反应的文章,应与上一篇沙特阿拉伯的财政和国民经济大臣的文章《石油价格展望》一文联系起来读。 This article is an article th
一氧化锰(以下简称 MnO_2)有许多种类的天然矿石以及化学地或电化学地制造的人工品种,这些品种的各种物理的、化学的以及电化学的性质,有显著差异。对种种 MnO_2 的物理性质
日本地少人多,人口密度大,资源缺乏。主要靠进口原材料、生产高质量产品、降低成本去占领和畅销于国际市场。 五十年代,由于战败,日本的工业比较落后。到了六十年代,已上升