
来源 :家具 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangxing0828
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芬兰的森林工业是一门重要的工业。制材、造纸和家具、细木工工业约占全国工业总产值的1/4。家具和细木工虽然以木材为主要原材料,但也有用其它原材料来生产的,如金属、玻璃纤维或塑料等。家具和细木工工业的生产,约占工业总产值的1.9%,其中家具为1.4%,细木工为0.5%。以1978年统计,其产值达到21.52亿马克;共雇用职工二万人,占工业总劳动力的3.9%。最近十年中出口家具迅速发展,1979年的出口额为4.954亿马克。 The forest industry in Finland is an important industry. The timber, paper and furniture, and joinery industries account for about one quarter of the country’s total industrial output value. Although furniture and joinery use wood as the main raw material, they can also be produced with other raw materials such as metal, glass fiber or plastic. Furniture and joinery industry production accounted for about 1.9% of total industrial output, of which furniture was 1.4% and joinery was 0.5%. According to 1978 statistics, the output value reached 2.152 billion marks; a total of 20,000 employees were employed, accounting for 3.9% of the total industrial labor force. In the last ten years, the export of furniture has developed rapidly. In 1979, the export value was 495.4 million marks.
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常州机床厂有近30年的历史,具有一定的设计制造经验,是我国组合机床及钻镗床专业生产厂之一。 工厂占地面积84,000平方米,建筑面积33,000平方米,拥有各种加工设备270多台。该
建国三十五年来,广大地质工作者为国家找到了多种矿产,探明了大量的矿产储量,取得了巨大的成绩.同时还培养了一大批地质科技人员,这也是一项很大的收获. In the thirty-five
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