行业悬念之三 房地产:涨跌并非重点

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近日,某专家在论坛上发表“住房缺口高达4亿平方米,房地产业还会兴盛20年”的言论,遭来一片拍砖声。这位专家的结沦是按照2020年我国城市化率达到55%时,城市人口对住房需求的增加得出的。但是有需求不等于有支付能力。实际上,目前的高房价让中低收入阶层只能望房兴叹。对一个行业前景的预测而引发反对浪潮,说明这个行业的某些不足和缺陷,而这些总体现在投资者和 Recently, an expert in the forum published a “housing gap of up to 400 million square meters, the real estate industry will flourish for 20 years,” the remarks, was a slap in the face of brick. The end result of this expert is that according to the increase of housing demand of urban population in 2020 when the urbanization rate in our country reaches 55%. But there is a demand does not mean that there is capacity to pay. In fact, the current high prices for the middle and low income groups can only hopelessness. The wave of opposition to the prospect of an industry prospect illustrates some of the deficiencies and pitfalls in the industry that are now investors and
一年一度的风云榜,其盘点往年求索新岁的意义已经为业内人士所公认,而揭榜的那一天,更是北京地产人一年一遇的盛大节日,谓余不信,请看: The annual Billboard, its invento