认真做好科技期刊编排格式的标准化、规范化工作意义重大。作者在调查研究的基础上,针对科技期刊中较普遍存在的一些问题,以国家的有关标准为依据,从条玛、开本、中国标准刊号、内容摘要撰写和正确著录参考文献的重要性等六个方面,特别是就后两个方面详细阐述了在执行国家标准GB/T 3179-92科学技术期刊编排格式中应予注意的一些问题和体会。
It is of great significance to conscientiously do a good job in the standardization and standardization of format of sci-tech periodicals. On the basis of investigation and study, the author aims at some problems that are more prevalent in sci-tech periodicals based on the relevant national standards, such as the importance of writing bibliography Six aspects, especially the last two aspects, elaborate on some issues and experiences that should be paid attention to in the implementation of the national standard GB / T 3179-92 format of scientific and technical periodicals.