
来源 :广州医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moreee
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广州地区消化性溃疡和胃酸引致疾病研讨会于1991年8月28日在中国大酒店召开,来自广州市区、郊县和佛山、江门、深圳等地区共800多医师和专业人员参加会议。中华医学会广东省消化学会名誉主任潘百思主任医师主持大会,特邀世界胃肠病学权威,加拿大Memaster大学Richard H.Hunt教授和英国Royal Shrewsbury总医院Greame D Kerr博士作专题报告,其中Hunt介绍生理、病理生理和药理等基础理论进展;Kerr介绍临床治疗。报告后自由讨论。瑞典Astra制药(香港)公司独家资助会议。现把报告和讨论内容整理如下: On August 28, 1991, a conference on peptic ulcer and gastric acid-causing diseases in Guangzhou was held in China Grand Hotel. More than 800 doctors and professionals from Guangzhou, suburban and Foshan, Jiangmen and Shenzhen attended the conference. Chinese Society of Medicine, Guangdong Provincial Society of Digestive Honorary Director Pan Baisi chief physician presiding over the General Assembly, invited the world authority of gastroenterology, Canada Memaster University Professor Richard H. Royal and Royal Shrewsbury General Hospital Dr. Greame D Kerr for a special report, which Hunt introduced physiology , Pathophysiology and pharmacology and other basic theoretical progress; Kerr introduced clinical treatment. After the report free discussion. Sweden Astra Pharmaceutical (Hong Kong) exclusive funding conference. Now the report and discussion are summarized as follows:
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。花园式现代化的从化市第六中学 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Ga
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