Cycle-Sequences,Carbon Isotope Features and Glacio-Eustasy of the Triticites Zone in Southern Guizho

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xcumuhe
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In light of the principle of sequence stratigraphy, detailed analysis of depositionalsequences and systematical carbon isotope measurements were done for the Triticites zone ofthe typical Late Carboniferous section in the Dushan area of southern Guizhou. Two sequencesand seventeen parasequences, which can be correlated with the two sequences and seventeensubsequences in the North American Midcontinent, are distinguished in the Gzhelian, whichprovides convincing evidence of the global synchroneity of the depositional records. The inter-nal relations between carbon isotope evolution and eustasy were studied and the evolutionarycharacteristics of carbon isotopes in depositional sequences have been summarized. Two sets of seventeen parasequences, which can be correlated with the two sequences and seven tensions sequences in the North American Midcontinent, are distinguished in the Gzhelian, which proves convincing evidence of the global synchroneity of the depositional records. The inter-nal relations between carbon isotope evolution and eustasy were studied and the evolutionary characteristics of carbon isotopes in depositional sequences have been summarized.
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