啤酒花(Humulus lupulus L.)芽的形成和分化

来源 :山东农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaozhenying
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酒花的新根茎芽,产生于上年根茎芽的腋芽。所以从腋芽长成新根茎芽,再发育成年苗,要经历三个生长季,有三次分化高峰,分别在当年的春季和秋季,以及形成年出的春季,每次分化可形成10个节位左右。由营养苗端转化为生殖苗端时,生殖苗端伸长,原套层数增加,形成花序生长锥,可自下而上分化具有15~20个节的花序轴,每一节上均要经历外苞形成期,内苞形成期、花被形成期和雌蕊形成期。年苗顶芽在个体发育过程中,在不同的发育阶段,不同茎的粗度、其内部结构,包括节数,分化程度、侧芽的大小均有差異。 Hops new rhizome buds, root buds produced in the axillary buds last year. Therefore, axillary buds grow into new rhizome buds, and then develop adult seedlings, to go through three growing seasons, there are three peak differentiation, respectively, in the current spring and autumn, and the formation of the spring out of each differentiation can form 10 sections Bit around. When transplanted from vegetative seedling tip to reproductive seedling tip, the end of reproductive seedling is elongated and the number of original sheaths is increased to form inflorescence growth cone, which can differentiate the inflorescence axis with 15-20 nodes from bottom to top, Experience the formation of the outer bud, the formation of the inner bud, the formation of perianth and pistil formation period. In the process of individual development, seedling buds in different stages of development, different stems of the coarse, its internal structure, including the number of sections, the degree of differentiation, the size of lateral buds are different.
编辑同志: 我是一个年轻人,最近我的睾丸痛,去医院检查,医生说我的睾丸有点小。我现在还没有结婚,怕以后影响生育。不知道正常人的睾丸是多大,我自己是不是可以检查?麻烦您,
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一、消毒方法 1.机械消毒法:此消毒法的特点是只能减少病原体,而不能杀灭病原体。如电扇通风、利用水力冲洗、肥皂擦手搓洗,以上方法操作简便,经济实惠,实用于集体机构。 2.