荣属于劳动者——聚焦新劳模 集萃新风采光

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劳动人民创造了物质财富和精神财富,创造了人类辉煌灿烂的历史。然而,在人类历史的大部分时间里,劳动者受到剥削阶级的残酷压迫,他们的劳动成果被剥削阶级所占有,甚至成为奴役自身的工具,他们应该享有的尊严和荣誉也一同被剥夺了。只有历史唯物主义和伟大的社会主义制度才恢复了历史的本真,解放了劳动人民,广大劳动者的社会地位得到承认,劳动者的积极性和创造性得到空前发挥,尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重创造蔚然成风,我们正沐浴在这一伟大的时代。全面建设小康社会的伟大任务需要大批新型劳动者,也造就了大批优秀的劳动者。全区上下在科学发展观的指导下,经济社会发展蓬蓬勃勃,正是各行各业的广大劳动者创造了这样的大好局面。在这火红的五月里,在这属于劳动者的节日里,让我们走近他们,学习他们,歌颂他们……本刊利用有限的篇幅编发通讯“光荣属于劳动者”,通过五个方面劳模的事迹,展示他们的风采,权当采撷一朵浪花,去领略大海的波澜;登列建国以来我区历届全国劳模和先进工作者名单,以唤起历史的记忆;刊出自治区政府今年的表彰决定,以宣传党和政府对劳模和先进工作者所给予的荣誉;发表自治区总工会主席云秀梅同志的署名文章,以推动向劳模和先进工作者学习良好风气的形成。希望这一组文章和资料? The working people have created material and spiritual wealth and created a glorious history of mankind. However, most of human history, laborers were brutally oppressed by the exploiting classes whose labor was exploited by the exploiting classes and even became their own tools of slavery. Their dignity and honor should also be deprived of them. Only historical materialism and the great socialist system restored the true nature of history, liberated the working people and the social status of the vast majority of workers was recognized. The enthusiasm and creativity of laborers were given unprecedented prominence. Work was respected, knowledge and talent respected , Respect for creation is common practice, we are bathed in this great era. The great task of building an overall well-to-do society requires a large number of new laborers and a large number of excellent laborers. Under the guidance of the Scientific Outlook on Development, the region has thriving economic and social development, and it is this vast situation that has been created by the vast numbers of workers in all walks of life. In this fiery May, let us approach them, learn from them and sing praise to them in this festival of laborers .... The magazine uses limited space to compile a newsletter, “Glory belongs to Laborers,” and adopts five models of workers Demonstration of their demeanor, the right to pick a wave, to enjoy the turmoil in the sea; since the founding of our country since the founding of our country’s list of model workers and advanced workers in order to evoke the memory of history; Autonomous Regional Government published a commendation decision this year To promote the party and government’s honors for model workers and advanced workers; and to publish a signed article by Comrade Yun Xiumei, chairman of the autonomous regional trade union, in order to promote the formation of a good atmosphere with model workers and advanced workers. Hope this group of articles and information?
As a physical model,the cellular automata(CA) model is widely used in many areas,such as stair evacuation.However,existing CA models do not consider evacuees’
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