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亲爱的朋友,当您处于熙熙攘攘人流如潮的公共场所,或者置身高耸入云巍峨壮观的高楼大厦,或者潇洒在灯红酒绿人满为患的歌厅舞池,是否注意到身边因消防设施不完善而埋下的火险隐患,是否掌握了防火需要的求生秘诀呢?这里介绍一些如何从火灾中紧急脱身的常识,可助您火口求生.注意熟悉环境 倘若您来到一个人生地不熟的陌生环境时,特别是宾馆、酒楼、商场、夜总会等庞大建筑中,最首要的是注意熟悉周围的环境,应有意地留心大门的位置、通道的方向、楼梯的方位等,以便在遇到火险时,不至于迷失方向而盲目地往死角里钻,往火海里闯.熟悉的环境对您迅速撤离事故现场,避免人身伤亡是至关重要的.遇事沉着冷静 当您所处的 Dear friends, when you are in the middle of the bustling public places, or towering into the majestic towering skyscrapers, or dashing in the glittering karaoke dance hall, you noticed the hidden dangers caused by the inadequacies of the fire service facilities , Has mastered the secrets of survival needs of fire prevention? Here are some tips on how to get out of the fire emergency, to help you survive .If you are familiar with the environment if you come to a strange unfamiliar environment, especially hotels , Restaurants, shopping malls, nightclubs and other large buildings, the most important is to be familiar with the surrounding environment, should be careful about the location of the gate, the direction of the passage, the direction of the stairs, so that in case of fire hazards, not to lose their way Drilling blindly to the dead end, break into the sea of ​​fire. Familiar environment for your prompt withdrawal from the scene of the accident, to avoid personal injury is crucial.
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会(IUPAC)于2004年颁布了第111号元素的名称(roentgenium)和元素符号(Rg):“A joint IUPAC-IUPAP Working Party(JWP)has con-firmed the discovery o
The density functional theory (DFT) combining with the non-equilibrium Green functions (NEGF) method is applied to the study of the electronic transport propert