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“第三产业”又叫“第三次产业”。西方经济学家把产业部门区分为第一产业、第二产业和第三产业。第一产业主要指农业,包括林业、牧业、渔业。第二产业主要指加工制造业,包括矿业(有的经济学家把它列为第一产业)和建筑业(有的把它列为第三产业)。第三产业又称“服务性产业”,包括商业、金融业、保险业、运输业、邮电通讯业、公用事业、文教卫生、饮食、旅游等等。这样划分三类产业的根据是什么呢?西方有的经济学家解释,根据在于“人类需要的紧迫程度”:第一产业提供满足最基本需要的食品,第二产业满足进一步的需要,第三产业满足物质需要以外的精神上的需要。还有人解释说;可以直接从自然界取得产品的生产部门叫做第一产业(因此它把矿业也包括进去);加工工业是第二产业;和消 “Tertiary Industry” also known as “the third industry.” Western economists divided the industrial sector into primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry. Primary industry mainly refers to agriculture, including forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries. The secondary industry mainly refers to the processing and manufacturing industries, including mining (some economists regard it as the primary industry) and the construction industry (some as the tertiary industry). The tertiary industry, also known as “service industries”, including commercial, financial, insurance, transport, telecommunications, public utilities, culture and education, food and beverage, tourism and so on. According to some economists in the West, based on the “urgency of human needs”: the primary industry provides the food that meets the most basic needs, the secondary industry meets the further needs, and the third The industry meets the spiritual needs beyond material needs. Others have explained that the production sector that can take the product directly from nature is called the primary sector (and therefore it also includes the mining sector); the processing sector is the secondary sector; and the consumer sector
为探索发生极化效应的潜在因素,我们曾做了一些室内模拟实验和野外露头测试,现就激发极化法机制的有关问题作一些探讨,不妥之处,请予指正。 In order to explore potential
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被爵士队球迷称之为“教皇”的斯隆(Jerry Sloan),执教生涯很可能会因没得过年度最佳教练奖,而留下那一点点不够完美的缺憾…… Jerry Sloan, whom Jazz fans call “Pope”