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在市场经济条件下,不论是横向结构市场经济,还是纵向或纵横向结构市场经济;不论是自由市场经济,还是社会市场经济,一个共同特点就是有一个在市场独立运作的企业法人——市场主体。我国的社会主义市场经济也不例外。市场经济的运行、发展,就是市场主体的形成,主体内、主体间的营运与发展,市场主体是市场经济的细胞、细胞核。我国要建立市场经济,就必须重塑市场主体——企业,就必须把政府主导型经济转变为企业主导型经济,实行主体换位,把企业推向市场。 Under the conditions of a market economy, whether it is a horizontally structured market economy or a vertically or horizontally oriented structural market economy, whether it is a free market economy or a social market economy, a common feature is that there is a corporate legal person that operates independently in the market—the market entity. . The socialist market economy in our country is no exception. The operation and development of a market economy are the formation of market entities, the operations and developments within and between entities, and the market entities are the cells and cell nuclei of the market economy. In order to establish a market economy in China, we must reshape the main body of the market—enterprises must transform the government-led economy into an enterprise-led economy, implement the transposition of the main body, and push the company to the market.
根据运行实际,对热电厂3#锅炉气力式水平浓淡煤粉燃烧器在设计和运行方面的不足进行了比较准确的分析,提出了改进建议。 According to the actual operation, this paper ma
北京工人体育馆空气调节的任务是: 1.保证比赛大厅内中心比赛场地气流速度合乎乒乓球比赛的需要。 2.保证比赛大厅、练习厅、休息室等不管在冬季还是夏季都有合宜的温湿度。
一种既可以装饰美化居室环境又能抑制多种病源性霉菌、细菌,而且对人体无害的新型生态功能型建筑材料——红外辐射陶瓷釉面砖日前在武汉问世。 这项科研项目是由武汉理工 A
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