
来源 :水力发电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cheayu123
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西北电网的水电比重约占系统装机容量的 39 5 % ,它在电网中发挥着蓄丰补枯、调峰调频等重要作用。为了最优化利用水能资源及进行合理调度 ,必须采用最新技术开发该电网水调中心自动化系统 ;根据该系统特点 ,除采用最先进的计算机、通信及网络技术外 ,还需要建立大型数据库及应用多种数学模型。在有关科研、院校的共同努力和密切配合下 ,该系统已于近年内完成了设计开发任务并正式投入运行。该系统以多种网络方式接入了石泉、安康、兰州水调、EMS(电能管理系统 )和气象云图 5个分中心 ;采集和处理的各种实时信息近 5 0 0个。该系统自投运至今 ,已在水电增发、防洪调度、跨流域补偿运行等方面发挥了巨大作用 ;据 1999年底统计 ,该系统已累计创造经济效益 1470万元。 The proportion of hydropower in the northwest power grid accounts for about 39 5% of the installed capacity of the system. It plays an important role in the power grid, such as enrichment, peak regulation and frequency modulation. In order to optimize the utilization of hydropower resources and carry out reasonable dispatching, the automation technology of the hydropower center must be developed based on the latest technology. According to the characteristics of the system, in addition to adopting the most advanced computer, communication and network technologies, large-scale databases and applications A variety of mathematical models. With the concerted efforts and close cooperation of relevant research institutions and institutions, the system has completed the design and development tasks and put into operation formally in recent years. The system uses a variety of network access to the Shiquan, Ankang, Lanzhou water transfer, EMS (Power Management System) and meteorological cloud 5 sub-centers; collection and processing of various real-time information of nearly 500. Since the system was put into operation, the system has played an important role in hydropower issuance, flood control dispatch and inter-basin compensation operation. According to the statistics at the end of 1999, the system has accumulated a total economic profit of 14.7 million yuan.
混流式水轮机在小流量工况下其转轮出口水流会产生涡旋运动 ,此时向转轮出口或尾水管补气时可以减轻水轮机的水力振动 ,但补气对水轮机出力的影响过去没有给予足够的重视 ,现
目的 应用RNA干扰技术,观察稳定转染Her2基因的短发夹状RNA(shRNA)对不同恶性程度的卵巢上皮性癌(卵巢癌)SKOV3和SKOV3.ipl细胞Her2基因表达及细胞生物学特性的影响.方法 将
目的 探讨脂肪组织中是否存在缺氧预适应现象,构建CoCl2致缺氧的缺氧模型.方法 不同浓度的CoCl2大鼠腹股沟区皮下层浸润注射,分别用免疫组织化学法和RT-PCR法检测该区脂肪HIF
在水工结构模型试验中 ,应用光纤传感检测技术检测结构随机裂缝 ,在国际上已经受到高度重视并开始开发应用。四川沙牌碾压混凝土拱坝整体结构模型随机裂缝检测的光纤传感试验