Temperature monitoring of the XPS board insulated subgrade along the newly constructed Gonghe-Yushu

来源 :Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mm74481
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On the basis of on-site measured data of the newly constructed Gonghe-Yushu Highway in a permafrost region, this paper analyzed thermal conditions of the subgrade with XPS insulated board according to different selected monitoring sections in various locations. We also summarized the geothermal distribution and change rules of subgrade with XPS insulation board under the asphalt pavement in summarized a high temperature frozen soil region. It is suggested that the shoulder of subgrade with XPS insulation board be widen to a reasonable width so as to keep the subgrade stable. On the basis of on-site measured data of the newly constructed Gonghe-Yushu Highway in a permafrost region, this paper analyzed thermal conditions of the subgrade with XPS insulated board according to different selected monitoring sections in various locations. and change rules of subgrade with XPS insulation board under the asphalt pavement in summarized a high temperature frozen soil region. It is suggested that the shoulder of subgrade with XPS insulation board be widen to a reasonable width so as to keep the subgrade stable.
二十七、蒋巍蒋巍是我的前领导。记得我们都在《文艺报》时,蒋巍组织过一个论坛,他当主持人,往主席台上一坐,豪情万丈,气势如虹。我们在台下听他哪儿都不挨哪儿的 Twenty-se
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