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在建设有中国特色社会主义文化的实践中,每一个地区、每一个部门都应有自己特殊的建设任务、突出的建设重点和鲜明的建设特点。就改革试验区乌海而言,在坚持推进经济、政治、文化协调发展的同时,深化文化体制改革,加大对文化设施投入力度,加快文化事业发展步伐,显得尤为重要。结合市情,找准文化工作的定位乌海市是以能源、化工、资金、高耗能工业为主导产业的新兴工业城市和经济体制改革试验区。黄河穿市而过,矿藏资源富集,气候、土壤条件适宜栽培并盛产葡萄;桌子山岩画留下远古的历史遗存。这种特殊的地域条件,特有的人文景观,特定的生产方式和生活习惯,都是乌海珍贵的文化资源,是认识乌海文化现象,规划乌海文化建设,安排文化工作,繁荣艺术创作和开展文化活动的可靠依据,同时也决定了乌海与其它地区的文化差异。认真研究文化建设的理论和实践及其发展规律,努力探索文化工作的途径和找准文化工作的定位,寻求文化工作与经济建设的最佳结合点和突破口,则是试验区文化工作的主要任务和必然选择。因此,试验区的文化工作应在特色上多下功夫,在管理上做好文章。 In the practice of building a socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, every region and every department should have its own special task of construction, highlighting the key construction points and distinctive construction features. As for the reform of the experimental zone Wuhai, it is especially important to deepen the reform of the cultural system, increase the investment in cultural facilities and speed up the pace of cultural development while adhering to the coordinated development of economy, politics and culture. Combining the market conditions and identifying the orientation of cultural work Wuhai City is a newly industrialized city and pilot reform area of ​​economic system that takes energy, chemicals, capital and energy-intensive industries as its leading industries. The Yellow River goes through the market, rich mineral resources, climate, soil conditions suitable for cultivation and rich grapes; table rock paintings left ancient historical relics. This special geographical conditions, unique cultural landscape, specific production methods and living habits are precious cultural resources in Wuhai, Wuhai is to understand the cultural phenomenon, planning Wuhai cultural construction, arranging cultural work, the prosperity of artistic creation and The reliable basis for carrying out cultural activities also determines the cultural differences between Wuhai and other regions. Studying the theory and practice of cultural construction and its development law, trying hard to explore ways of cultural work, identifying the orientation of cultural work, finding the best combination and breakthrough of cultural work and economic construction are the main tasks of cultural work in experimental area And the inevitable choice. Therefore, the cultural work in the experimental area should make more efforts on the features and make good management articles.
1975年,25岁的徐虎从郊区农村来到上海城里,他的身份是一名房修水电工,社区内六千多户居民的水电维修、房屋养护工作都是他的事儿。房修水电是一个累活,也是 In 1975, the 2
为培养师生厉行节约、珍惜能源、合理开支的良好习惯,山东淄博高新区四宝山中学在积极开展学雷锋精神,做志愿者服务的基 In order to develop a good habit of saving teach
<正> 本次大会于9月15日至18日在北京友谊宾馆召开。教育部语言文字信息管理司李宇明司长主持开幕式,中国政法大学张桂琳副校长致开幕词,国际语言与法律学会秘书长图里(Turi)
全国地方各级人民法院,各级军事法院,各级铁路运输法院,各海事法院: 一、9月25日,国务院发出通知,决定从今年10月起在全国范围内开展1988年税收、财务、物价大检查。搞好这
一、申请支付令 根据民事诉讼法第189条的规定,债权人请求债务人给付金钱、有价证券,可以依法向人民法院申请支付令。对债权债务关系明确合法的,人民法院自受理之日起15日内