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在适应市场经济体制的客观要求,构建现代社会保险制度的进程中,我国庞大的事业单位如何实现这一转变,是一个值得认真研究和解决的大问题。 在传统的计划经济年代,我国的事业单位与国家行政机关一道吃“皇粮”,社会保险制度大体参照国家机关的作法。在体制转变的二十年中,不同事业单位的职能定位、工作性质已发生了巨大的变化,其养老、医疗等社会保险制度适应这种变化的重新构建,势在必行。 我国事业单位人员庞大达数千万人之多,工作领域几乎囊括各个行业,情况千差万别,在改革中的走向各异。如何妥善合理地解决事业单位在转轨中的困难和问题,关系到我国经济和各项事业的发展。本刊这一期特刊发对湖北省农业科学院的个案分析,对我国科研机构福利保障制度改革中遇到的难题进行剖析,并探讨解决的途径。希望事业单位社会保险制度构建这一问题,能引起大家的关注。 In the process of adapting to the objective requirements of a market economy system and building a modern social insurance system, how to realize this transformation in the huge institutions in our country is a major issue worth serious study and resolution. In the traditional era of planned economy, our institutions and state administrations ate “royal grain”, and the social insurance system generally referred to the practice of state organs. In the two decades of institutional transformation, the functional orientation and nature of work of different institutions have undergone tremendous changes. It is imperative that their social insurance systems such as old-age care and medical treatment adapt to such changes. The personnel in our country’s institutions have a huge number of tens of millions of people. The areas of work cover almost all industries, and the situations vary widely and vary widely in the reform. How to properly and reasonably solve the difficulties and problems in the transition of public institutions has a bearing on the development of China’s economy and various undertakings. This special issue of this issue of Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences case analysis of China’s research institutions welfare security system reform problems encountered in the analysis and to explore ways to solve. Hope that the institutions of social insurance system to build this issue can arouse everyone’s attention.
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