
来源 :黑龙江水利科技 | 被引量 : 22次 | 上传用户:wolovenorton
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The current situation of farmland utilization in China was analyzed firstly,and then cost of fertilizer misuse leading to decrease of cultivated land in quality
Data of daily mean temperature,precipitation,sunshine hours and tea yield in Xuancheng area from 1979 to 2008 were used to analyze the relationship between lowe
[Objective] The study aimed to discuss the spatial changes of negative air ion concentration in Hefei City.[Method] Based on the observation of air ions,tempera
<正> 唐初统治者鉴于隋王朝速亡的教训,十分重视总结历代兴亡成败的经验,注意历史著述的编纂,从而促进了官、私修史的发展。私家著述大量涌现,如李延寿的《面史》、《北史》,杜佑的《通典》等,其中尤以刘知几的《史通》最为著名。刘知几(661—721年)是唐代杰出的史学家和进步思想家。本名子玄,彭城(今徐州)人。十七岁前,已遍读群史,二十岁登进士第,后在朝廷内任史官三十多年,“掌知国史”,
<正> 陈云同志是我们党老一辈的无产阶级革命家,是我国经济工作的卓越领导人。他能够在经济问题上提出一系列精辟的见解,做出重大贡献,同他认真学习和创造性地运用毛泽东哲学思想,有着直接的关系。收集在《陈云同志文稿选编》中的那些文章,虽然直接讲的是经济问题,但处处闪耀着毛泽东哲学思想的光辉。这是我们学习陈云同志经济思想时,绝不可忽视的。
[Objective]The aim was to study the cold wave in Hexi Corridor in 2011 and to summarize report experience.[Method]Routine observation data and Ecmwf numerical p
Firstly,agriculture,industry and tourism in the Yangtze River Delta,Pearl River Delta and Bohai Economic Rim were chosen to represent the primary,secondary and
[Objective]The research aimed to initially study degradation effect of the COD Cr in sewage by two psychrotrophs. [Method] Two psychrotrophs were isolated from