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人口统计是国民经济各部门制定规划、确定政策的主要依据。医学人口学是从医学角度来研究人口问题。一个地区人口数量、人口地区分布、人口年龄性别构成以及人口的出生死亡等资料,不仅是制定卫生保健工作规划的依据,也是评价卫生保健工作效果及人口健康状况的重要指标。因此,只有在深入研究人口健康状况的基础上,才能合理而科学地计划和安排卫生工作,并采取一系列有效措施,促进人类健康向着良好的方向发展;只有不断注意健康状况的变动,才能检验采取措施的实际效果,才能及时发现人口健康状况方面和卫生工作中存在的新问题。 Demographic statistics are the main basis for planning and policy determination by various departments of the national economy. Medical demography is a study of population issues from a medical perspective. The population of a region, the distribution of its population, the age and sex composition of the population, and the birth death of the population are not only the basis for formulating the health care work plan, but also an important indicator for evaluating the health care work results and the health status of the population. Therefore, only on the basis of an in-depth study of the health status of the population can we rationally and scientifically plan and arrange the health work, and adopt a series of effective measures to promote the development of human health in a good direction; only by constantly paying attention to changes in the health conditions can we test Only by taking actual measures to take measures can we discover new problems in the health status of the population and in the health work.
自1984年实施新职业病报告办法,至今已四年。现将我县四年来的职业病发生情况统计分析如下: 资料来源与方法本文收集了本县全民和集体所有制工矿企业1984~1987年所报告职业病
本文主要讨论煤矿工人两种死亡率指标在职业卫生研究中的应用。资料来源与方法采用某地国营、集体、个体煤矿工人死因 This article mainly discusses the application of
本文剖析了目前公费医疗超支现象的原因。认为解决超支矛盾必须依赖于医疗卫生事业的深化改革,大力发展初级医疗保健事业。 This article analyzes the reasons for the cur
笔者把普通大输液轧盖机稍加改进,便有了新的用途,现介绍如下。1 轧盖机轧盖机见图1 图l札盖机简图1.札盖头2.瓶托2改进2.1旧铝盖复型机:将复型头安装在轧盖头上,再将瓶托取