
来源 :石家庄铁道学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jonnykang001
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研究了铁路机车车辆用两种热轧耐候钢经热处理双相化后的金相组织及各种力学性能。结果表明 ,耐候钢双相化后的显微组织由多边形等轴铁素体晶粒和不规则岛状马氏体组成 ,且原始组织对其有很大影响 ;两种热轧耐候钢双相化热处理前后的显微组织和力学性能均无明显的各向异性。研究发现 ,双相化加热温度对马氏体含量、屈服现象、屈服强度、抗拉强度、屈强比、延伸率及加工硬化指数 ( n值 )等双相化后钢的组织和性能均有显著影响。根据试验结果 ,确定的耐候钢最佳热处理双相化工艺为 780℃加热 1 0 % Na Cl水溶液淬火。本研究成果将为进一步采用控制轧制法进行耐候双相钢的生产奠定基础 The metallurgical structure and mechanical properties of two kinds of hot rolled weathering steels after heat treatment were studied. The results show that the microstructure of weathering steel after dual phase is composed of polygonal equiaxed ferrite grains and irregular island martensite, and the original structure has a great influence on it. The heat treatment before and after the microstructure and mechanical properties were no significant anisotropy. The results show that the microstructure and properties of the steel after the dual-phase heat treatment such as martensitic content, yield phenomenon, yield strength, tensile strength, yield ratio, elongation and work hardening index (n value) Significantly affected. According to the test results, the best heat treatment phase of the identified weathering steel is quenched at 780 ℃ for 10% NaCl aqueous solution. The results of this research will lay the foundation for the further production of weather-resistant dual-phase steel by controlled rolling
The receptivity of plane Poiseuille flow to local single-period micro-vibration disturbances with different phases at the top and bottom walls was investigated
2009年2月18日,Euro NCAP公布了最近一批测试成绩,车型包括奥迪Q5、本田Jazz、现代i20、起亚Soul、标致3008和铃木奥拓共6款车型,其中5款车型获得5星,1款车取得3星,总体测试
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