江耀安同志来信中反映的情况,是个需要大家重视并加以纠正的问题。这个问题绝非广西一地仅有,也绝非只出现在小煤窑这一行业,而是其它一些地方和行业的乡镇企业中也都不同程度地存在。 少年儿童正处在长身体、学知识的时期。招用童工不仅严重违犯了《义务教育法》,而且也严重违
The situation reflected in Comrade Jiang Yaoan’s letter is a question that needs everyone’s attention and to be corrected. This problem is by no means the only one in Guangxi. It is not only found in the industry of small coal mines, but also in some other townships and towns in various industries and industries. Children and adolescents are in a period of growing up and learning. Recruiting child labor not only violated the Compulsory Education Law but also seriously