“语法修辞讲话”习题解答 第三讲 虚字(四)

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第十段与否定有关的虚字习题 (一)同学们有没有就自己的立场对切身所受的教育问题试作检讨?(二)外来灾民除部分人家留有一半个劳力在家种麦外,大部係老弱妇女小孩,生活极度困难。(三)其是目前的困难,可以说日不聊生,否则惟有自杀了之。(四)到清初康雍间虽重建敦煌县,但在敦煌莫高窟艺术上除了增加损失外,没有任何贡献了。(五)新市税局的事情,贵组是否能催他要个答復吗?(六)这种恐懼,除了少数与美蒋反动派有勾结者外,主要原因,大半是受了帝国主义和蒋介石死党反苏反共各种反动宣传的影响。(七)今年春天,全国各地普遍闹灾荒,中南区也无例外。(八)现为崇尚节约起见;除对品质力予提高,加工精制外,取消透明纸包装及内附画片。(九)时间过得真快,我好容易初中毕了业。(一○)自从劳资协商会成立之后,劳资纠纷才得到合理解决,否则要阻礙生产的进行的。(一一)。缺点方面不是没有或很少。(一二)下定决心,一定学好它不可。(一三)保家卫国和卫国保家有否不同?(一四)根据事前的了解和会上的汇报,除一小部分灾民参加黄河春修和挖苗外,其余大部分灾户都拿一部分救济糧作资本搞副业。(一五)这样才能肯定这阶段中哪些是工作中的成绩或哪些是工作中的主要缺点。(一六)在整顿和健全各级机构方面,除补充缺额生产干部,选拔适合的干部充任生产工作,搜罗技术人才,召集区乡生产干部作 Tenth Paragraph Negatives Related to Negation Exercises (1) Have the students conducted a pilot review of their own education on their own position? (2) Exceptional victims except part of the family who left half their labor at home to grow wheat Department of the elderly women and children, extremely difficult life. (C) It is a current difficulty. It can be said that people are not allowed to talk to others but commit suicide otherwise. (D) Although Kang and Yong reconstructed Dunhuang County in the early Qing Dynasty, there was no contribution to the art at Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes in addition to increasing losses. (5) If the New Taxation Bureau is involved, will your group urge him to reply? (6) This fear, except for a few who have been complicit with the reactionaries of the United States and Chiang Kai-shek, is mostly influenced by the imperialists and Chiang Kai-shek Influences of allies, anti-Soviet and anti-Communist reactionary propaganda. (VII) This spring, widespread disaster relief throughout the country is no exception. (8) Now advocating economy and saving; In addition to improving the quality of products, processing and refining, the removal of transparent paper packaging and attached pictures. (Nine) time flies, I am easy junior high school graduated. (10) Since the establishment of the collective bargaining council, labor disputes have been properly solved, otherwise the production will be hindered. (One by one). Shortcomings are not without or little. (One or two) make up your mind and you must learn it well. (14) According to antecedents and reports at the meeting, apart from a small number of victims participating in the Yellow River spring cultivation and digging for seedlings, most of the other disaster victims Take part of the relief grain for capital engage in sideline. (Xi) Only in this way can we be sure which of these stages are achievements at work or what are the major shortcomings in work. (1) In terms of rectifying and perfecting the institutions at all levels, in addition to supplementing the production of short-established cadres, selecting appropriate cadres to serve as production work, collecting technical personnel and convening cadres from the township and village communities for work
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