Promoting Autonomous Learning In Institutions of Higher Learning in the Chinese Context

来源 :玉林师范学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shs20000
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In recent years, autonomous learning that centres on the learner is getting increasing interest in institutions of higher learning in China. This paper is an attempt to examine why the teacher_centred approach that often produces unsatisfactory results is widely employed in the country. It also presents the rationale and discusses how both Chinese teachers and learners could do to make autonomous learning effective. The authors stresses that the learner should set his/her goals(s), plan the workframe and carry out his/her learning accordingly whilst the teacher should undertakes proper monitoring and evaluation. The authors hold that the learner’s age, aptitude and intelligence, motivation, personality, cognitive and learning styles deeply influence autonomous learning. As most Chinese learners of FL may like to work independently rather than collaboratively, this might adversely affect their autonomous learning. In recent years, autonomous learning that centres on the learner is getting growing interest in institutions of higher learning in China. This paper is an attempt to investigate the the teacher_centred approach which is often produces unsatisfactory results is widely employed in the country. It also The rationals and discusses how both Chinese teachers and learners could do to make autonomous learning. The authors stresses that the learner should set his/her goals(s), plan the workframe and carry out his/her learning accordingly, and the teacher should undertakes proper Monitoring and evaluation. The authors hold that the learner’s age, aptitude and intelligence, motivation, personality, cognitive and learning styles highly influenced autonomous learning. As most Chinese learners of FL may like to work more prefer than collaboratively, this might adversely affect their autonomous Learning.
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美容专业线,是指专门向美容院提供美容产品和服务的行业,最近流行一种新的销售模式——无售后模式,即美容产品公司只向美容院提供美容产品,不再提供专业护理人员。这种模式在其他行业十分普遍,但是在美容专业线领域却是绝对的创新!  不妨看看下面这家企业是如何操作的!  李海英女士原本在家乡河南南阳开了一家小美容院,通过几年的逐渐成长,李海英决定开发属于自己的美容化妆品品牌来拓展市场。2010年春天,李海英注
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