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Recently, Shandong’s Provincial Government announced a new decree, calling for the restructuring ofits provincial CATV network and immediate termination of all new projects initiations. The decreeaddresses the need for unified management of resources under a master plan to avoid unneccessaryrepeated Constructions and wade of resources. The decree also Stressed the responsibility of the provincialnetwork management to exploit the existing Public network resourcesto full advantage and to rationalizethe coordination between the public and private networks. All new projects requests will be handledaccording to the procedures set up by the State Council and put under close supervision of thegovernment Contents Recently, Shandong’s Provincial Government announced a new decree, calling for the restructuring ofits provincial a CATV network and immediate termination of all new projects initiations. The decreeaddresses the need for unified management of resources under a master plan to avoid unneccessaryrepeated Constructions and wade of resources. The decree also Stressed the responsibility of the provincialnetwork management to exploit the existing Public network resourcesto full advantage and to rationalizethe coordination between the public and private networks. All new projects requests will be handledaccording to the procedures set up by the State Council and put under close supervision of thegovernment Contents
欧洲与美国信息技术差距增大 欧洲委员会1997年“科学与技术纲要”报告报道,尽管欧洲努力想跟上美国的信息技术脚步,但二者之间的差距仍在加大。 报告发现,是美国经济在最近
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