
来源 :毛泽东邓小平理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Akobe
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本文联系现实,阐明了邓小平的辩证经济思维:第一,既强调搞市场经济,又强调坚持社会主义,指出“社会主义和市场经济不存在根本矛盾”;第二,既强调发展各种非公有制成份,又强调公有制为主体的原则,认为“吸收外资也好,允许个体经济的存在和发展也好,归根到底,是要更有力地发展生产力,加强公有制经济”;第三,既强调市场的重要性,又强调计划的优越性,主张“计划和市场都得要”;第四,既强调部分地区和部分人可以先富起来,又强调按劳分配的原则,提出“发展经济要走共同富裕的道路,始终避免两极分化”,“我们不会容许产生新的资产阶级”;第五,既强调发展是硬道理,又强调效益和质量,指出“不是鼓励不切实际的高速度,还是要扎扎实实,讲究效益,稳步协调地发展”;第六,既强调充分调动基层、地方和部门的积极性,又强调中央要有权威即中央说话能够算数,提出“必须把国家、集体和个人利益结合起来”;第七,既强调积极利用外国的资金和技术及对外开放,又强调独立自主和自力更生,主张“自力更生为主、争取外援为辅”;第八,既强调吸收和借鉴当今世界各国一切反映现代社会化生产规律的先进经营方式和管理方法,又强调不能照搬西方资本主义国家的做法,指出“要有中国的特色”,“建立起充满生机和活力的社会主义经济体制”。 This article connects reality with Deng Xiaoping’s dialectical economic thinking. First, he emphasizes not only promoting market economy but also insisting on socialism, pointing out that “there is no fundamental contradiction between socialism and market economy”; secondly, it emphasizes the development of all kinds of non-public ownership And emphasized the principle of public ownership as the main body. He held that “to attract foreign investment or allow the existence and development of individual economies is, in the final analysis, to develop the productive forces more vigorously and to strengthen the public-owned economy.” Third, Fourth, not only emphasize that some regions and some people can get rich first, but also emphasize the principle of distribution according to work and put forward the principle of “developing the economy to go together ”We will not allow a new bourgeoisie.“ Fifth, we emphasize that development is the last word and emphasize the benefits and qualities. We point out that ”either encouraging unrealistic high speed or not Should be pragmatic, pay attention to efficiency and develop steadily and harmoniously “. Sixth, we must emphasize that we should fully mobilize the enthusiasm of grassroots units, local authorities and departments and emphasize that central authorities must have the authority to speak to the Central Government Count the number and put forward the idea of ​​”combining the interests of the state, the collective and the individual.“ Seventh, we not only emphasize the active utilization of foreign capital and technology and opening up to the outside world, but also emphasize independence and self-reliance. We advocate ”self-reliance as the mainstay and foreign aid as a supplement.“ Eighth, we must emphasize both absorbing and drawing on advanced management methods and management methods that reflect the laws of modern socialization in all countries of the world today, and stressing that we should not copy the practice of Western capitalist countries and point out that ”we must have Chinese characteristics“ and ” Vitality and vitality of the socialist economic system. "
新形势下的医院建设必须坚持发展这个重要主题 ,把发展放在首位 ,要出人才、出成果、出质量、出效益。必须坚持以人为本的服务理念 ,不断满足人民群众日益增长的健康需求 ,切