还记得国庆50周年的阅兵式上,女兵方阵那两位英姿飒爽、年轻亮丽的双胞胎姐妹吗?本期封面上这两位女兵就是张薇薇和张莉莉。 采访这对“军中姊妹花”很不容易。一则,她们很忙。自从去年10月以来,张薇薇和张莉莉成了名人,也成了忙人。各种活动,如演出、采访,纷纷找上门来。二则,作为军人形象,也为了更好地工作和学习,她们不希望太多的宣传和曝光。 约好第一次采访是7月9日,一个炎热的星期六下午4点钟。我们在门口打了几次传呼,却出乎预料地见到了她们的父亲。 乍一看,薇薇莉莉的父亲很像军人,身材魁悟,浓眉大眼,满脸正气。他说他
Remember the parade of the 50th anniversary of the National Day, the two heroic woman square valiant, young and beautiful twin sisters? The current cover of the two female soldiers is Zhang Weiwei and Zhang Lili. It is not easy to interview this “sister-in-law” flower. One, they are busy. Since last October, Zhang Weiwei and Zhang Lili became celebrities, has become a busy person. Various activities, such as performances, interviews, have come to come. Second, as a military image, but also to better work and study, they do not want too much publicity and exposure. Make an appointment for the first interview is July 9, a hot Saturday at 4 o’clock. We called at the door a few times, but unexpectedly saw their father. At first glance, Vivian Lily’s father is very much like a soldier, build a body, enterprising eyebrows, face upright. He said he