学广东 赶特区 加快湖北改革开放步伐——访金融家、中国农业银行湖北省分行行长何绍智

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东方风来,三楚春浓!正值阳春时节,在风景秀丽的东湖之滨,记者慕名采访了著名的金融家、中国农业银行湖北省分行行长何绍智同志。何行长在湖北省农行那明亮的会客厅里热情地接受了我们的采访。“科技经济的协调发展必须要有金融的支持,只有实行科技与金融的结合,才能提高信贷效益,促进经济发展。”何行长开宗明义就亮出了自己的观点。早在1984年何绍智同志针对湖北的省情率先进入科技金融这块领地,被誉为是科技金融改革的“急先锋”、“排头兵”。几年来,他不仅敢于开拓创新,而且讲求实效。搞调研、定政策、选项目、抓典型,可谓呕心沥血,事必躬亲。由于他率领全行职工辛勤耕耘,在湖北科技金融这块领地上,如今已是硕果累累了!我们谈到这些,何行长只是莞尔一笑,他说:“那都是过去的事了,现在改革开放的形势发展很快,尤其是最近小平同志南巡讲话对我们鼓舞很 In the spring of the year, when the oriental winds arrived, it was sunny in the spring. On the shore of the scenic East Lake, the reporter interviewed the famous financier, Comrade He Shaozhi, the head of Hubei Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China. Mr. He enthusiastically accepted our interview in the bright sitting room of Hubei Agricultural Bank. “The coordinated development of the science and technology economy must have the financial support. Only by combining science and technology with finance can we improve the credit efficiency and promote economic development.” He Changchang showed his point of view when he opened the Ming dynasty. As early as 1984, Comrade He Shaozhi took the lead in the province of Hubei to enter the field of science and technology finance, and was hailed as the “vanguard” and “leader” of science and technology financial reform. In the past few years, he not only dared to forge ahead with innovation, but also worked hard for practical results. Engaging in research, setting policies, selecting projects, and grasping typical examples can be described as painstaking efforts. Because he led the staff of the entire bank to work hard, it is now a fruitful achievement in the field of science and technology finance in Hubei. When we talk about this, He Xingchang just smiled and he said: “It was all about the past. Now the situation of reform and opening up has been developing rapidly, especially since the recent speech of Comrade Xiaoping’s southern tour has inspired us.
瞿秋白与鲁迅合作的12篇杂文写于1933年。 1931年,瞿秋白受到“左”倾错误的排斥后,离开党的中央领导机关,但他并没有停止战斗,而是同鲁迅等人一起在上海领导左翼文化运动。
颈椎病引起椎动脉缺血十分常见,在早期占20~30%,后期高达60~80%,有关命名既往文献曾称为:巴-刘氏综合征(Syndrome ofBarre-Lieou)、颈后交感性综合征、颈椎综合征、颈性眩晕及