摘 要:该研究以XRF便携式X射线土壤重金属测定仪Ⅱ代机的性能提高为目标,在不大幅增加仪器成本的前提下,开展基于信息化技术的硬件集成和软件开发,开展基于信号响应强度的定量模型研究、基于土壤理化性状的定量干扰因素研究和仪器应用示范等4个方面的研发工作。在硬件结构上加入便携式微处理电脑(PDA)和全球卫星定位接收器(GPS),在X射线荧光分析仪应用软件上加入位置搜索功能,在分析结果报表中由软件自动加入测试样品所在地的精确地理位置信息。集成以上单元后,使仪器具备了测试数据与同时记录采样地点精确信息相融合的新功能。采用B/S结构,应用地理信息系统技术和网络应用程序开发技术,开发了仪器上位机管理软件《基于WebGIS的农田环境监测分析系统》,实现了对仪器采集数据进行管理和分析。软件包含数据浏览、数据管理、统计分析、插值分析、动态对比、空间决策、污染评价、标准查询和用户权限等功能。在定量与校正模型研究方面,明确了土壤种类、土壤粒径、土壤含水量等主要影响因子,建立了土壤含水量校正模型和不同土壤种类定量模型,使仪器性能得到提升。在仪器应用验证方面,主要开展了土壤样本中有机质干扰物静电吸附去除方法和仪器操作规程编制。
Abstract:This study devoted on improving the performance of the Portable X-ray Fluorescence Detector for Soil Heavy Metal (XRF Detector). On the premise of not significantly increase the cost, hardware integration and software development based on the information technologies were provided, include new hardware implant, quantitative model, correction model, impact of soil physical and chemical properties, and the instrument performance in application. Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and Global Position System (GPS) were implanted into the XRF Detector, in order to gain the new function of test data combining sampling location. Adopted B/S (Browser/Server) structure, the monitoring and analysis management system of farm land environment was developed. The function of the management system included data management,statistical analysis, interpolation analysis, dynamic contrast, spatial decision, pollution evaluation,standard query and user privileges.In quantitative and correction model research, main influence factors were proved, such as soil types,soil particle size distribution and soil water content.
Key Words:Soil Heavy Metal;X-ray Fluorescence;Quantitative Model;Correction Model
Abstract:This study devoted on improving the performance of the Portable X-ray Fluorescence Detector for Soil Heavy Metal (XRF Detector). On the premise of not significantly increase the cost, hardware integration and software development based on the information technologies were provided, include new hardware implant, quantitative model, correction model, impact of soil physical and chemical properties, and the instrument performance in application. Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and Global Position System (GPS) were implanted into the XRF Detector, in order to gain the new function of test data combining sampling location. Adopted B/S (Browser/Server) structure, the monitoring and analysis management system of farm land environment was developed. The function of the management system included data management,statistical analysis, interpolation analysis, dynamic contrast, spatial decision, pollution evaluation,standard query and user privileges.In quantitative and correction model research, main influence factors were proved, such as soil types,soil particle size distribution and soil water content.
Key Words:Soil Heavy Metal;X-ray Fluorescence;Quantitative Model;Correction Model