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在学习实践江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想热潮中,电白县以“规范服务、树行业新风”为主题的第二届职业道德建设“新风杯”竞争活动正如火如荼。近两年来,通过以开展创评“百佳文明个人”、“十佳文明示范窗口”、“十佳诚信单位”等各项活动为载体,经常性、全方位、宽领域、多层次地推进职业道德建设,全县各行业的职业道德水平和服务质量进一步提高,行业风气持续好转,行业形象明显改善,涌现出一批省、市、县级文明单位、文明窗口和先进个人,全县职业道德建设呈现出讲实际、求实效、常抓不懈、稳步发展的可喜局面。强化保障机制形成共抓格局首先是政治保障。全县各行业单位坚持实行一把手对竞赛活动负总责,分管领导具体抓的领导体制和工作责任制,切实加强领导。各单位领导把提高本行业的服务质量,促进行风的好转,作为实践江总书记“三个代表”重要思想的具体行动,作为适应“入世”和我县市场经济发展的必然要求,作为密切党和政府与群众关系,增强人民群众对党和 During the study and practice of Comrade Jiang Zemin and the upsurge of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ the second session of professional ethics and the ’Freshmen Cup’ competition with the theme of ’Regulating services and a fresh air for the tree industry’ in Dianbian County is in full swing . In the past two years, with carrying out various activities such as “Top 100 Civilized Individuals”, “Top Ten Civilized Demonstration Windows”, “Top Ten Integrity Units” and other activities as the carriers, regular, all-directional and wide Field, multi-level to promote the construction of professional ethics, the county’s occupational ethics and service quality further improved, the industry trend continued to improve, the industry’s image has improved significantly, there emerged a number of provincial, municipal and county civilized units, civilized windows and Advanced individuals, the county construction of professional ethics presents practical, pragmatic, often unremittingly steady development of the gratifying situation. Strengthening the security mechanism to form a total catch The first is political security. The various sectors of the county insist on the implementation of top leaders in charge of competition activities, in charge of the leadership of the specific grasp of the leadership system and job responsibility system, and earnestly strengthen leadership. The leaders of all units should regard improving service quality in this industry and promoting the improvement of business practices as concrete actions for practicing General Secretary Jiang’s important idea of ​​“three represents,” and as a necessary part to adapt to the WTO accession and the development of the market economy in our county They demanded that the people and the masses should be strengthened as a party and government as close ties with the masses
“盼望着,盼望着,东风来了,春天的脚步近了。一切都像刚睡醒的样子,欣欣然张开了眼”……《春》在朱自清笔下姗姗走来。  在和煦的春风中,我们迈出了春天的脚步,坚定而执着,铿锵而有力。  第十八届中国国际服装服饰博览会(CHIC2010),23个国家和地区771家参展商、900多个中外服装服饰品牌齐聚北京。可以看出,在中国服装业迈入“新十年”的大背景下,在中国服装业进一步崛起与提升的新征程中,中国服装