
来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aku168
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乡镇企业的高速发展令世界刮目相看,乡镇企业的效益问题也随之成为社会舆论的热门话题。本文结合宜昌乡镇企业的发展对此热点作一透视。一、乡镇企业发展产生的巨大经济效益和社会效益不容低估,不容置疑。宜昌市乡镇企业起步晚,但其显现的巨大效益是有目共睹的。1994年,全市乡镇企业产值已占农村社会总产值的62.9%,工业总产值的40.4%。乡镇企业上交国家税金3.4亿元,占全市财政收入的32.6%,发放职工工资8.86亿元,农村人口平均301元。乡镇集体企业上交利润中用于以工补农资金1073万元,用于小集镇建设、教育及集体福利667万元。乡镇企业转移农业劳 The high-speed development of township and township enterprises has made the world awe-inspiring, and the issue of the efficiency of township and township enterprises has also become a hot topic in public opinion. This article combines the development of township enterprises in Yichang to make a perspective on this hot spot. First, the enormous economic and social benefits generated by the development of township enterprises cannot be underestimated and cannot be doubted. The township and township enterprises in Yichang started late, but their tremendous benefits are obvious to all. In 1994, the output value of the township and township enterprises in the whole city accounted for 62.9% of the total rural social output value and 40.4% of the total industrial output value. Township and village enterprises handed in 340 million yuan of national tax revenue, accounting for 32.6% of the city’s fiscal revenue. Workers’ wages were paid 886 million yuan, and the rural population averaged 301 yuan. The township collective enterprises turned in the profits to be used to subsidize agricultural work by 10.73 million yuan for the construction of small towns, education and collective welfare of 6.67 million yuan. Township enterprises transfer agricultural labor
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