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今年初,《中国好声音》模式版权之争事件引起业内关注。从荷兰TALPA公司引进的该节目的模式,版权费从最初每季200万元人民币,增长到近1亿元人民币的天价,浙江卫视和灿星公司认为这个价格已经远远超出国际惯例和中国电视机构的承受能力,考虑放弃引进该模式,尝试研发原创选秀节目。这一事件仿佛是个标志,中国电视开始从疯狂引进节目模式转向自主原创。唐代书法家李邕说:“似我者俗,学我者死。”虽然在引进节目模式过程中,我们也学到了 Earlier this year, “China’s good voice” copyright copyright controversy caused concern in the industry. The introduction of the program from the Netherlands TALPA company, copyright fees from the initial quarterly 2 million yuan, up to nearly 100 million yuan astronomical, Zhejiang Satellite TV and Canning that the price has gone far beyond the international practice and China Television Institutional affordability, consider giving up the introduction of this model, try to develop original talent show. This event seems to be a sign that China Television has started to shift its mode of introduction of crazy programs to independent originality. Li Xun, a calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty, said: “I am vulgar and learn to die.” Although we also learned during the introduction of the program model
The temperature-dependent and excitation-intensity-dependent photoluminescence(PL) spectra are applied to investigate the quateary (AlxGa1-x)0.51In0.49P(x = 0.2
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A novel white emitting organic diode has been simply realized by inserting a doped hole-blocking layer between the hole transporting layer(HTL)and the electron
甜菊(原译名甜叶菊,学名 Steria YebaudianaBertoni),是个安全无毒的天然甜味添加剂植物,近20年来,得到国内外的广泛重视。随着应用领域的扩大,特别是作为安全的低热糖源和
A set of diagnostic formulas is, for the first time, proposed to deal with the magnetic field strength B in gy rosynchrotron radiation regions for the transvers
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This special issue contains eight selected papers from the Inteational Workshop on Mode Optimization and Applications, which was held over three days, 27-29 Jun
The domain reversal characteristics of near-stoichiometric LiNbO3 ([Li]/[Li+Nb]=0.496) single crystals, which are grown by the Czochralski method with K2O tlux, a