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车轮直径和车轮圆度误差是评价车轮磨耗的关键参数之一。研制了一种新型的机械电子式轮径测量装置——WD-A铁道车辆轮径测量仪,可以测量轮径和车轮圆度误差。其机械部分可绕车轮转动,实现车轮滚动圆上多点的测量;数据采集部分集成了DSP、蓝牙等技术,PDA(掌上电脑)数据处理和界面显示。该仪器在实际测试中,操作方便,人机界面友好。直径测量,单点重复偏差<0.05 mm,区段测量偏差<0.4 mm,采用最小区域搜索的圆度误差<0.05 mm。 Wheel diameter and wheel roundness error is one of the key parameters to evaluate wheel wear. Developed a new type of mechanical and electronic wheel diameter measuring device - WD-A railway vehicle wheel diameter measuring instrument, which can measure wheel diameter and wheel roundness error. The mechanical part of the wheel can be rotated around to achieve multi-point round of rolling wheel measurements; data acquisition part of the integrated DSP, Bluetooth and other technologies, PDA (Pocket PC) data processing and interface display. The instrument in the actual test, easy to operate, man-machine interface friendly. Diameter measurement, single point repeatability deviation <0.05 mm, segmental measurement deviation <0.4 mm, circularity error with minimum area search <0.05 mm.
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