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中央经济工作会议提出,今年的经济工作,要坚持扩大内需的方针,继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。省委经济工作会议对我省实施扩大内需的方针也作出了具体部署。认真做好扩大内需这篇大文章,对于做好今年的经济工作具有十分重大的意义。扩大内需作为一项长期的战略方针,这是由我国的基本国情决定的,也是当前应对复杂多变的国际经济形势,保持经济持续快速健康增长的必然选择。我国是一个拥有13亿人口的发展中国家,拥有巨大的需求潜力和极为广阔的市场空间。坚持扩大国内需求,努力开拓国内市场,是推进我国经济发展的主要动力,也是我们的优势所在。近几年,在世界经济增长趋缓的情况下,我们的经济保持较快增长,扩大内需的政策起了关键作用。2002年,我们面临的国际环境更为复杂和严峻。美国经济出现衰退,欧盟经济增长减缓,日本经济持续低迷,“9·11”事件的负面影响进一步显现。我国加入 WTO 后,总体上有利于改革开放和加快发展,但一些竞争力不强的行业和产品将受到较大冲击,外贸出口形势将更为严峻。在这种情况下,今年我们 The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that this year’s economic work should adhere to the principle of expanding domestic demand and continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy. Provincial Economic Work Conference on the implementation of our province to expand domestic demand also made specific arrangements. To do a good job of expanding domestic demand this great article is of great significance to doing a good job in this year’s economic work. To expand domestic demand as a long-term strategic guideline is determined by China’s basic national conditions and is also the current choice of coping with the complex and volatile international economic situation and maintaining a sustained, rapid and healthy economic growth. As a developing country with a population of 1.3 billion, our country has huge demand potential and a vast market space. Adhering to expanding domestic demand and working hard to open up the domestic market are the major driving forces for promoting the economic development of our country and are also our advantages. In recent years, with the slowdown in world economic growth, our economy has maintained a rapid growth and the policy of boosting domestic demand has played a key role. In 2002, the international environment we faced was more complicated and severe. The U.S. economy downturn, the EU economic slowdown, the Japanese economy continued to slump, “9.11 ” the negative impact of the incident further revealed. After China’s accession to the WTO, it will be conducive to reform and opening up and its development as a whole. However, some industries and products with less competitive power will be greatly affected and the situation of export trade will become even more severe. In this case, we are this year
鱼 类究竟能活多久?哪一种鱼类 寿命最长?研究这一课题是很有趣的。 为什么要研究鱼类的年龄呢?因为了解了鱼类的年龄,便于掌握鱼类的情况,有利于渔业生产。例如我们捕到一群鱼,如