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1.油菜、大白菜,塌棵菜都在低温下能较快地通过它们的春化阶段,但塌棵菜的冬种性较强。2.1—5℃是油菜通过春化阶段的适宜温度;10℃以上的春化条件,大大地延迟了油菜春化阶段的进行;未经低温人工春化的油菜,在20℃以上温度的温室条件下栽培,播种后122天也可以开花、说明了油菜在高温的条件下,也能逐渐缓慢地渡过春化阶段。3.1—2℃下,经过18—20天,是油菜通过春化阶段的适宜条件,春化时间缩短到16天以下,则春化阶段的通过很缓慢。这种温度下,春化处理的时间从20天延长到70天,从移栽后到现蕾开花的天数来看,能随着春化处理时间的加长而提早现蕾开花,超过70天的处理,则不再提早现蕾开花;但从处理后到现蕾开花的天数来看,则春化时间超过20天後处理的时间愈长,现蕾开花所须总日数也愈长。4.油菜在1—2℃下20天完成春化阶段以后,继续放在低温之下,对于有机体本身,仍起着一定的作用,对于第二阶段的通过,也起着一定的作用。5.每天14小时的光照,已能满足油菜的光照阶段要求。每天12小时的光照,油菜就不能很好地开花。把每天的光照时间延长到14小时以上,则更能提早现蕾开花。但在20小时以上的光照条件下,不再提早现蕾开花。6.光照时间的长短,对于光照阶段以后的发育,也有重大的影响。7.进行光照阶段期间,温度的提高,可以提早现蕾开花,而且使现蕾开花集中,但温度的提高到某一程度后,便不再有进一步的提早现蕾开花的作用。8.油菜春化处理时间加长到70天后,个别植物移栽后2—3天现蕾,半数以土植物7—8天现蕾,足见油菜完成光照阶段所需长光照的条件,只要几天(2—3天)就能满足要求。9.油菜经过60天春化处理后,在4小时,6小时的光照条件下能够现蕾。春化时间长而光照时间短的处理,与春化时间短而光照时间长的处理,在某些生理反应方面有相近似的地方。10,在春化阶段开始前,给植株以一定天数的长日照,那麽在春化阶段完成以后,长日和短日对通过光照阶段产生相同的影响。11.未经春化的油菜幼苗作为接穗,嫁接在已开花油菜的茎上,培育在20℃以上的温室内,接穗很快便现蕾开花。大白菜、塌棵菜通过类似的嫁接,也可使未经春化的接穗开花。未春化的大白菜和花椰菜的幼苗,各自嫁接在开花的塌棵菜上,在温室里也都提早开花。12.植物的发育过程,受许多因素影响,包括内在的和外界的,改进其中任何一个因素,就能够加速阶段的进行。改进的因素愈多,阶段的进行也愈快;反之,不适宜的因素愈多,阶段的完成也愈慢。因此:在讨论植物的阶段发育时,须要考虑到植物发育的整体性,不能把各种因素和各个发育阶段孤立起来研究。13.计算春化期间长短这一类问题时,应该自种子萌动後接受环境因子影响的一天(即春化处理开始的一天)算起,直到出现一定的生理或形态上的指标为止。 1. Rape, Chinese cabbage, scallions are at a relatively low temperature can quickly through their vernalization stage, but the shelter of cabbage winter species strong. 2.1-5 ℃ is the appropriate temperature for rapeseed through the vernalization stage; vernalization conditions above 10 ℃ greatly delayed the vernalization stage of rapeseed; rapeseed without low temperature artificial vernalization, in the greenhouse conditions of temperature above 20 ℃ Under cultivation, 122 days after sowing can also flowering, indicating that rape under high temperature conditions, but also gradually through the vernalization stage. 3.1-2 ℃, after 18-20 days, is rape through the vernalization stage of the appropriate conditions, vernalization time is shortened to 16 days or less, then the vernalization stage is very slow. At this temperature, the vernalization time was extended from 20 days to 70 days. From the days after transplanting to the budding and flowering, the vernalization treatment could be prematurely budded and bloomed for more than 70 days Processing, no longer early budding flowering; but from the treatment to the buds of flowering days, the vernalization of more than 20 days after the treatment time, the total number of days required for budding flowering longer. 4. After the vernalization stage of rapeseed was finished at 1-2 ℃ for 20 days and kept at low temperature, it still played a certain role for the organism itself and also played a role for the passage of the second stage. 5. 14 hours a day of light, has been able to meet the rape’s lighting stage requirements. 12 hours a day of light, rape can not flow well. Extend the daily light time to 14 hours or more, it is more early budding flowering. However, in more than 20 hours of light conditions, no longer early budding flowering. 6. The length of light time, for the light after the development stage, but also have a significant impact. 7. During the light phase, the increase of temperature can prematurely bloom and concentrate the flowering buds. However, when the temperature is raised to a certain extent, there is no further effect of early budding and flowering. 8. rape vernalization processing time extended to 70 days, 2-3 days after transplanting an individual plant buds, half of the soil plants 7-8 days budding, showing the rape to complete the light phase of the required long light conditions, as long as a few days (2-3 days) will be able to meet the requirements. 9. Rape after 60 days of vernalization treatment, in 4 hours, 6 hours of light conditions to squash. The vernalization of a long time and light a short time of treatment, and the vernalization time is short and light a long time of treatment, in some physiological reactions have similar places. 10, before the beginning of vernalization, give the plants a long day of sunshine for a certain number of days. After the vernalization phase is completed, the long and short days have the same effect on passing the light phase. 11. Non-vernalized rape seedlings as scions, grafted onto the stems of flowering rape and cultivated in a greenhouse at a temperature above 20 ° C, the scions quickly budding and flowering. Chinese cabbage, scallions through similar grafting, but also can be uncultivated scion blossoming. The uncultivated Chinese cabbage and cauliflower seedlings are each grafted onto flowering shrubs and also flowering early in the greenhouse. 12. Plant development can be accelerated by many factors, both internal and external, improving any one of these factors. The more factors for improvement, the faster the stage. Conversely, the more unfit elements, the slower the completion of the stage. Therefore: in discussing the stage of plant development, the integrity of plant development needs to be taken into consideration and various factors and various developmental stages can not be studied in isolation. 13. The calculation of the length of the vernalization category should start from the day when the germination of the seed is affected by environmental factors (ie, the day when the vernalization begins) until a certain physiological or morphological indicator appears.
Objective:To get better recognition of central neurocytoma and diminish misdiagnosis.Methods:A retrospective review identified 15 cases of central neurocytoma.A
基于OV模型,考虑驾驶员性格对交通流影响,提出了一个新的跟驰模型。首先分析了模型的稳定性能,并获得交通系统保持稳定的条件,并用m KDV方程描述交通波的传播过程。结果表明:
1.藁火(わらぴ) 藁火是从旭实生选育出来的一个极早熟的品种,盛花至成熟只需要60—65天,在选育地(埼玉县蕨市)6月下旬即可成熟,比旭早熟。果形似旭,扁圆形,单果重150克左右;
无土栽培在有些国家已用干蔬菜生产,最近又出现了家庭温室,并有专门生产家庭无土栽培温室设备的公司. 这种温室是用铝做框架,上盖瓦楞玻璃纤维板,内有水培设 Soilless cult
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