
来源 :建筑材料工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jwz1270
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中国水泥厂装运车间党支部书记杜志华同志和车间主任、共产党员王正夕同志,四年来一贯自觉地带头参加体力劳动,在干部中树立了良好的榜样。他们是在1959年从工人中提拔起来的干部,都有将近二十年的工龄。从他们担任车间领导工作的第一天起,一直能够保持工人阶级的本色,以普通劳动者的身份出现,参加生产,领导生产,因而,在生产中、工作中作出了出色的成绩。他们领导的装运车间四年来月月超额完成计划,全车间职工团结奋 In the past four years, Comrade Du Zhihua, secretary of the party branch of China’s cement factory shipment workshop, and director of the workshop, and party member Wang Zhengxue, have consistently and conscientiously taken the lead in participating in manual labor and set a good example among cadres. They are cadres who were promoted from their workers in 1959 and have nearly 20 years of service. From the very first day they took the leading position in the workshop, they have been able to maintain the true nature of the working class, emerge as ordinary laborers, take part in production and lead production, and have made outstanding achievements in production and in their work. They lead the shipping shop over the past four years to complete the plan over the months, the whole plant staff unity and struggles