
来源 :中国财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:akk871204
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渑池县属国务院划定的国家级贫困县之一。近年来,该县立足渑池县情,积极探索贫困地区加快发展县城经济的新路子,确定“兴工富县,强农富民”发展战略,发扬“团结奋斗、艰苦创业、自强不息、勇于争先”的渑池精神,以“两扭两创”为突破口,不断更新理财观念,全方位、多层次开发、培植和壮大财源,“八五”期间,提前两年完成了创收规划,摘掉了财政补贴县帽子,实现了财政自给。1999年,全县财政收入达到3.05亿元,较1992年增长6.9倍,年均递增40%,其中地方财政收入达13266万元,年均递增35%。渑池财政收入一年一个新台阶,年年迈出新步伐,究其原因,就是狠抓了基础财源、主体财源、群体财源“三大建设”:一是以优化农业结构为重点,狠抓基础财源建设;二是以工业为重点,狠抓主体财源建设;三是以乡镇企业 Mianchi County is one of the state-level poverty-stricken counties designated by the State Council. In recent years, based on the situation of Mianchi County, the county actively explored new ways to speed up the development of county economy in impoverished areas, determined the development strategy of “building industries with rich people, strengthening agriculture and enriching people”, carried forward “unity and hard work” In the “85” period, the income-generating plan was completed two years ahead of schedule. The Bank continued to update its concept of financial management and developed, fostered and strengthened all-round, multi- , Removed the county financial subsidies hat, to achieve financial self-sufficiency. In 1999, the county’s fiscal revenue reached 305 million yuan, an increase of 6.9 times that of 1992, with an average annual increase of 40%, of which local financial revenue reached 132.66 million yuan, an average annual increase of 35%. Mianchi fiscal revenue a new level every year, every year a new step, the reason is that pay close attention to the basic financial resources, the main financial resources, the group of financial resources “three major construction ”: First, to optimize the agricultural structure as the key, ruthless Second, focus on industry, pay close attention to the main financial resources; third is to township enterprises
吐鲁番地区国税局坚持“两个文明” 一起抓,两个成果一起要,连续10年被评为自治区级精神文明建设单位,先后获得“全国税务系统先进集体”“自治区税务局系统先进集体”等400
目的建立高良姜中原儿茶酸的含量测定方法。方法采用HPLC法。色谱柱为D iamonsilODS C18柱(200 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),流动相为甲醇-质量分数为0.05%的磷酸水溶液(体积比为12∶88
Ta/NiFe/Bi(Ag, Cu)/FeMn/Ta and Ta/ NiFeⅠ /FeMn/Bi(Ag, Cu)/NiFeⅡ/Ta films were prepared by magnetic sputtering. The texture of films was examined by X-ray diff
本品为我院皮肤科磨削术后,色素沉着必须使用的霜剂剂型。处方:聚乙二醇4000 409 聚乙二醇400 359 司盘40 19 甘油79 蒸馏水9爪1 2,6二叔丁基对甲酚。.19 维生素C 39 地塞米
作为X—性联无丙种球蛋白血症和常见多样性免疫缺陷(Common variable immunodeficiency,CVID)等先天性无(低)丙种球蛋白血症的护理手段,为预防感染,需定期进行丙种球蛋白替代