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  We’re big believers in the power of an image to convey the drama, sadness, and gravity of world events. In the case of the 3)BP oil spill, that power was never more apparent, both in the photographs that captured the devastation and in the photographs that were forbidden from being taken.
  The photos that caused a stir aren’t photojournalism but a fashion spread in the August 2010 issue of Vogue Italia, titled Water & Oil. 4)Uber-edgy photographer Steven Meisel shoots model Kristen McMenamy, 5)clad in black, coated in oil, and 6)draped across 7)tainted beaches. In one shot, she has a black feather8)perched on her lips. In another, an oil- 9)drenched feathered glove stands in for the hundreds of birds soaked in the spill.
  Meisel has a longstanding relationship with Vogue Italia, and his topics are often edgy: from plastic-surgery patients to homeland security. But is this spread art—or 10)opportunism?
  Dodai at Jezebel writes, “The model in distress and the photographer have worked together to create a scene in which the viewer feels the urge to help—yet can do nothing—similar to watching the disaster unfold on television.” That’s a generous 11)critique, and one that doesn’t quite 12)jive with the title of her post, which calls the photo shoot “awful” (the rest of her essay makes her 13)disdain for the photos clear). Do we need to be reminded of how helpless the oil spill made us all feel?
  Where does fashion fall as an art form is a question that’s constantly up for debate, as is what is the role of fashion photographs. Yes, the images in high-end editorial spreads can be stunning, and great 20th-century artists like David LaChapelle, Herb Ritts, and Annie Leibovitz have advanced modern art through their fashion and celebrity spreads. But while the photos themselves may be art, and while those images make serious statements about current affairs and often end up in galleries, they start out with less noble aims: to sell clothing. And that makes the photos seem somehow tasteless. So argues Fast Company, which points out some of the 14)tone-deafness in the spread’s 15)captions on the shoot, “Oil Is the New Black.”
  “Kristen McMenamy in the ‘survivor’ version, where she interprets in images the environmental drama that’s 16)afflicting the Gulf of Mexico,” it sing-songs. “She keeps her skin golden thanks to Self 17)Tan Face Bronzing Gel 18)Tint (to wear alone or with 19)foundation): it takes care of the skin, while giving it a hint of color.” And just a shade of THE WORST ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER TO 20)BEFALL THE U.S. IN HISTORY.
  Even some of the fashion-obsessed aren’t comfortable with this shoot. Refinery29, the online fashion magazine, found it wasteful:
  “Creating beauty and glamour out of tragedy seems quite 21)screwed up to us, not to mention wasteful and22)hypocritical, seeing as thousands of dollars of luxury clothing was flown in, and then subsequently ruined for the shoot. Glamorizing this ecological and social disaster for the sake of ‘fashion’ reduces the tragic event to nothing more than attention-grabbing 23)newsstand 24)fodder.”
  The discussions about the value of these photos in Refinery29 comments are worth a read, as are those on New York magazine’s fashion blog, The Cut. There’s plenty to discuss, and both comment sections are a good way to 25)brush up before heading out to happy hour: after all, it’s not a party until someone starts a lively debate about the artistic value of fashion editorials. But before you start writing your talking points, consider The Cut’s own 26)take on the shoot:
   “If showcasing the clothing is still the 27)overarching objective in any fashion editorial, shouldn’t we be able to, you know, see them? They probably looked pretty cool before they were soaked in gasoline. Imagine the BP 28)pitch: ‘Drenching things in oil before it was cool.’”
  时尚作为一种艺术形式,其地位若何?该问题一直未有定论,而时尚服饰图片扮演着一个怎样的角色也同样争议不断。是的,高端杂志的跨页图片可以很震撼,而二十世纪的伟大艺术家,如大卫·拉卡贝尔、 赫伯·瑞茨和安妮·莱博维茨,也通过他们拍摄的时尚和名人海报照把当代艺术推向更高层次。虽然相片本身也许堪称艺术之作,这些图片对当今大事也有其严肃的立场表态,而且往往最后都被各大画廊所收藏,但是,这些图片一开始就不是出于什么崇高目的而拍摄的:而是推销衣服。一想到这个,那些图片就显得挺庸俗的。网络杂志fastcompany.com亦如此认为,并指出某些自以为是的时尚潮人还在这组照片的标题处标榜“油污黑是最新流行的黑色”。
  网络时尚杂志Refinery2.com上对这组图片的价值所在的评议值得一读,同时《纽约杂志》的时尚博客栏目“The Cut”的评论也不容错过。其实还有许多有待讨论之处,在下班加入知己畅谈之前,不妨看看这两个评论栏目,准有启发:毕竟还是要有人带头讨论时尚杂志照片的艺术价值,才能一石激起千层浪。但是在你开始写下自己的论据之前,参考一下“The Cut”对这次拍摄的观点吧:
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