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见习教师规范化培训制度是上海市实行的对中小学新教师在一年见习期内,安排到教师专业发展学校进行规范的、有统一内容与标准的培训。其目的是整体提升上海市中小学新入职教师的素质和能力,使之形成良好的教育教学行为规范,强化教育教学实践能力,尽快成为合格的职初教师。上海教师资格制度改革包括三个方面,一是资格考试改革,二是建立教师定期注册制度,三是见习教师规范化培训。见习教师规范化培训制度是落实教育规 The standardized training system for trainee teachers is a training for new teachers of primary and secondary schools in Shanghai that is scheduled to be standardized to teachers’ professional development schools in a one-year probationary period and has unified contents and standards. Its purpose is to enhance the overall quality and ability of newly recruited teachers in primary and secondary schools in Shanghai so that they form a good code of conduct for education and teaching and strengthen the ability to practice teaching and education as soon as possible to become eligible teachers. Shanghai teacher qualification system reform includes three aspects, one is the qualification examination reform, the second is to establish a regular teacher registration system, the third is a standardized training of trainee teachers. Trainee teacher standardized training system is the implementation of education rules
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Purpose To describe a case of atypical systemic amyloidosis in a patient who p resented with recurrent subcutaneous bleeding of the eyelids and auricles. Desig