
来源 :当代教育实践与教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyz118
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随着我国教育事业的蓬勃发展,新课标教育改革提倡学生综合素质全面发展。在高校体育教学中,为了更好地培养学生的德、智、体、美综合素质全面发展,注重体育教学中审美教育的渗透是十分有必要的,在提高学生身体素质的同时,能够有效提升学生审美水平,获得丰富的情感体验,身心健康发展。但是就当前我国高校体育教学中审美教育现状来看,总体成效偏低,其中仍然存在一系列问题,对于审美教育的渗透力度不足,甚至部分教师对审美教育认知存在较大局限,严重制约高校体育教学审美教育活动的有序开展。由此,有必要就高校体育教学中审美教育渗透进行思考和探究,结合实际情况,提出合理的改善措施。 With the vigorous development of education in our country, the reform of the new curriculum standard education promotes the comprehensive development of students’ comprehensive quality. In the PE teaching in colleges and universities, in order to develop students ’comprehensive qualities of morality, intelligence, body and beauty in an all-round way, it is necessary to pay attention to the penetration of aesthetic education in PE teaching. While improving students’ physical fitness, Students aesthetic level, access to rich emotional experience, physical and mental health development. However, with regard to the status quo of aesthetic education in physical education at colleges and universities in our country, the overall effectiveness is still low. There are still a series of problems, which are not enough for the penetration of aesthetic education. Some teachers even have more limitations on aesthetic education, Aesthetic education in physical education teaching in an orderly manner. Therefore, it is necessary to think and explore aesthetic education infiltration in college PE teaching, and put forward reasonable improvement measures according to the actual situation.
目的:探讨叶天士在《临证指南医案》中治疗妇人瘕瘕的用药规律及其特点.方法:整理《临证指南医案》中关于癥瘕的医案,采用Excel 2010、SPSS 19.0、SPSS Modeler 15.0软件对医
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