茅台酒由全国品酒专家评为中华第一名酒,被国家确定为国酒,是当之无愧的称誉。 1915年,茅台人以超人的气魄和胆略,携带着自己的佳酿,远渡重洋,奔赴巴拿马,从容走进万国博览会会场。在那群雄争冠的场合,茅台酒不辱使命,以中华民族不屈不挠的风骨,以自身超凡的气度和绝伦的芬芳,一鸣惊人,震动酒坛,夺得巴拿马万国博览会金奖,列世界名酒之林。中华民族为之骄傲,华夏儿女引以自豪。
Maotai is rated as the No.1 wine in China by national tasting experts. It is recognized as a national wine by the country and is well-deserved reputation. In 1915, Maotai people carried their own fine wines with the spirit and boldness of Superman, crossed the oceans and sailed to Panama, and walked into the venue of the International Exposition. At the time when the crowds competed for the championship, Maotai liquor did not abject its mission. With the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation, with its extraordinary magnanimity and exquisite fragrance, the maotai shocked the jars, won the gold medal of the Panamanian Nations Exposition, and ranked the world famous wine forest. The Chinese nation is proud of it and Huaxia children are proud.