一、中国西南地区与东南亚地区经济合作的背景与现状 在过去的三年里,世界政治、经济形势发生了剧烈的变化。随着苏联的解体和经互会的消亡,东西方关系的重要性已经让位于南北关系。发达国家之间的经济一体化趋势和区域化联合对发展中国家进一步构成威胁,使得南北关系更加不平等。第一,它使得发展中国家更加依赖于发达国家的资本输入。根据国际货币基金组织1990年5月的报告,亚洲发展中国家的外债为3,360亿美元左右。
I. Background and Current Situation of Economic Cooperation between Southwest China and Southeast Asia Over the past three years, the world’s political and economic situation has undergone dramatic changes. With the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the demise of the mutual agreement, the importance of the relationship between East and West has given way to the North-South relations. The trend of economic integration among developed countries and the regionalization alliance pose a further threat to the developing countries, making relations between North and South more unequal. First, it makes developing countries more dependent on the capital input of developed countries. According to the May 1990 report of the International Monetary Fund, the foreign debt of developing countries in Asia is about 336 billion U.S. dollars.